Jonghun didn't say a word. Jo Kwon suddenly looked serious and started joining too.
"OMG Jonghunnie, we're on a bet, remember? If you really love her, it's going to be fatal. Especially if she suddenly finds out. Don't you think it will hurt her?"
"Don't love her," said Jong Hyun. Hearing that, Jonghun's heart skipped a beat and it made him furious.
"What? Don't love her? Who do you think you are, making circumstances for other people's feelings? And saying that is much easier than doing it!!"
Jonghun stood up from his seat. Jo Kwon stood up to and calmed him down. Jong Hyun just smirked and leaned on to the wall.
"My guessing was right. You do love her."
Jonghun was about to move forward and do something to Jong Hyun, but Jo Kwon held him off.
"Whoa whoa whoaa take it easy! We're in a hospital! You guys aren't gonna fight here right?" asked Jo Kwon in a worried voice, "and Jong Hyun, quit teasing him."
Jong Hyun took a deep breath and stood up. He pat Jonghun's shoulder, "Sorry bro. I didn't mean to."
Jonghun just bent his head down as Jong Hyun walked pass him. Jo Kwon asked Jong Hyun where he was going, and decided to come along when Jong Hyun said he was going to the canteen. Jonghun stayed where he was.
"Jong Hyunnie.."
Jo Kwon speed up a few steps and was able to catch up with Jong Hyun.
"How did you know Jonghun really likes Sunhee?"
Jong Hyun smiled, "Because I do too. That's why I know how he feels and how he acts in front of her."
"WHAT? You like her too? I mean, seriously???" Jo Kwon had to stop walking in order to get surprised a bit.
"Yep. But don't tell him, Kwonnie! We're competing on a bet, not love. I don't want us to fight. Also, I guess his feelings are bigger than mine. Remember Kwon, don't tell anyone."
Jo Kwon nodded his head, "Okay. I won't."
Meanwhile, Jonghun nearly fell asleep when the doctor came out of Sunhee's room. He got up immediately and asked Jong Hyun's father.
"How is she doing?"
"I just went in to have a check up on both Sunhee and Seunghyun. They are both still sleeping and doing well. You may come in if you want to."
"Is that so? Oh thank you again, Mr. Kim."
The doctor smiled and walked away followed by his nurse. Jonghun then slowly came inside and took a seat beside Sunhee's bed. Not far from there, was Seunghyun's bed. Jonghun sit down and slowly got hold of Sunhee's right hand. Sunhee was breathing normally, and it made him feel relieved, also still worried on how the other Song members will react.
Jonghun then gently pulled Sunhee's hand and touched it to his cheek. Her hand was warm. He looked at Sunhee who was still sleeping.
Is it true what Jong Hyun said?
Did I really fall in love with you?
Coz if I did, I really hope you would feel the same..
Sunhee slowly opened her eyes and was then awaken, as if she could hear what Jonghun was thinking. She looked at her hand being held by Jonghun. And she pulled out a smile after she saw Jonghun's face.
"Hey," she said, in a weak and husky voice.
"Sssh~! Don't talk too much, just rest!" said Jonghun, standing up and brushing Sunhee's hair.
Sunhee blinked a few times and looked around.
"Is that.. Seunghyun oppa?"
Jonghun looked to where Sunhee was looking at.
"Yes. You.. lost quite a lot of blood. Seunghyun was the one who arrived first among the other Songs, so he transfused his blood to you."
Sunhee glared, "Is he okay?"
Jonghun scoffed, "What are you talking about? Of course he is okay. It's you the one who should be worried about."
Sunhee looked into Jonghun's eyes. It made his heart beat faster.
"Look, Sunhee. I'm so sorry I came late that night. I was just finished the seminary, and I totally forgot about our dinner. I never thought you would be dragged into this chaos, and those five guys, they have been reported to the police. The police would take care of them.. and.."
"You reported them to the police?" asked Sunhee.
"Yes, of course.. I.."
"But they weren't responsible for this.."
Jonghun made a frown, "What are you talking about, Sunhee? They made you bruised like this.."
"But they actually didn't want to hurt me! It's a problem that June has with my dad."
"They guy who accidentally stabbed me."
Jonghun became pissed. How on earth Sunhee could still speak up for the guy who made her in the hospital now? But Jonghun was too tired to debate with her, and he didn't bear to. Even Seunghyun was disturbed in his sleep.
"Okay we will talk about it later. You still need to rest, Sunhee."
Jonghun kissed Sunhee on the forehead and looked at her.
The next day, Sunhee woke up and found two cute guys already sitting beside her.
"Good morning, Princess!" said both of them.
Sunhee smiled and answered, "Good morning, Prince Tory and Prince Suyu."
"Suyu?" asked Seunghyun.
"Yep that's my nickname for you. No one should call you Suyu except me, kekeke~"
Tory smiled, "Look, our princess can laugh already!"
The three siblings chattered and laughed together. Sometimes Tory and Seunghyun take turns to feed Sunhee her breakfast. The two Seunghyun brothers purposely didn't want to talk about the accident last night, which caused Sunhee to be in the hospital right now. They just made Sunhee feel better by sharing stories, like normal siblings would do.
"By the way where's Mom and Dad?" asked Sunhee.
"Oh they were here an hour ago, while you were asleep. They trusted you to us, and then they had to leave. Dad said he has work to do, and Mom had a meeting to attend," explained Seunghyun.
"And you, oppa? Don't you have work?" asked Sunhee to Tory.
"You're telling me to go away?" Tory asked back, teasing. Sunhee smirked.
"Noo, don't go! It's just that, usually you have full schedules.."
"I canceled them just to see you. How could I work while my beloved dongsaeng is in the hospital? Am I right Seunghyun?" Tory looked to his brother.
Seunghyun didn't say a word, but a single sincere and sweet smile from him says it all. Sunhee and Tory immediately smiled as well, since Seunghyun's smile is so contagious.
"And where's.." Sunhee looked around. Before she could continue her sentence, someone knocked on the door.
"Come in," said Tory.
Two people were heard talking and then a huge pink teddy bear showed up.
"Get well soon, Sunhee~!" said both of them.
"Haha~ come over, Kwonnie and Jong Hyun!" said Sunhee, she felt happy, having her friends and siblings around her gathering. But she was still looking for someone.
Tory, Seunghyun, and Kwonnie joined up for a chat as soon as Kwon take his seat. Jong Hyun put the teddy bear beside Sunhee's bed.
"Thanks, Jong Hyun," smiled Sunhee.
"No prob. By the way, Jonghun told me he can't come, he accompanied you last night until you fell asleep again, then he left with us. Today he has a quiz at his college and was off to the university since early morning."
"He has a quiz today? But he still waited for me to sleep last night? Really?" Sunhee looked at Jong Hyun.
Jong Hyun smiled, "Yep. And he didn't mind at all. He was nearly going to skip college, but we told him that college isn't like school anymore, and that you would also be disappointed if he skips, so now he's in college ^^"
Sunhee smiled and thanked Jong Hyun so much. Jong Hyun then helped Sunhee finish her breakfast, which was forgotten since Kwon entered the room, he made the double Seunghyun go loud and noisy.
The next couple of days, Sunhee was allowed to be discharged from the hospital. But her mom and dad told her to stay at home and bed rest. Well, she actually wasn't bed resting, she was rather walking here and there doing nothing, being observed by her beloved oppa, Seunghyun (Tory was off to work).
"Ne?" Seunghyun popped out his head out of the newspaper he was reading.
"I'm bored," Sunhee blew her bangs.
"Don't be. You want to go out?"
Sunhee's face brightened. "I may?"
"But not to far and not alone. Where do you want to go?"
Sunhee sat beside Seunghyun and tried to think of the destination. Just when she was opening her mouth, the bell rang and Seunghyun had to get the door.
"Who is it? Oh.. Jonghun, come in!" greeted Seunghyun with his best smile as always.
Sunhee who was lounging on the sofa quickly got up and tidied her hair.
"Hey Sun~!" said Jonghun, walking towards Sunhee and giving a quick peck on her forehead.
"Hmm~ I'll get you a drink, what do you want, hun?" Seunghyun was about to leave the two people alone.
"Oh, don't bother, really," said Jonghun. But Seunghyun kept insisting and went to the kitchen.
"So, how are you doing?" asked Jonghun, while giving Sunhee a cold cup of strawberry milkshake. Sunhee immediately grabbed the cup.
"Do I look fine? I'm always fine. But Jong Hyun's dad told me not to wash. Kekeke, actually I am lazy to wash so.. sorry for the inconvenience."
Jonghun just smiled and pat Sunhee on the head.
"By the way I was just figuring out a place where I could hang out, with Suyu oppa of course. Would you come along?"
Seunghyun just came back from the kitchen, he decreased his speed when he saw his sister talking so close.
Ah, my little sister is growing up. Guess it's time for her to find her man.
I hope he is the right guy.
It took an hour for the three youngsters to decide where the would go. Finally Sunhee asked to go to the mall, when Seunghyun asked why, she just said she wanted to go window shopping.
"By the way what date is today?" asked Sunhee, while walking between Jonghun and Seunghyun, embracing Seunghyun's left arm.
"Hmm.. December 9th, why?" answered Jonghun.
"Then Tory oppa's birthday is this Saturday!" Sunhee cheered by herself.
"OMG, I forgot! I think we should prepare a surprise party.." said Seunghyun.
"Since we are here, how about we find stuffs for the party? Well, even if we don't find it, at least we should prepare a present. I know what Tory oppa wants the most!" Sunhee looked so hopeful.
"What is it?" asked Jonghun and Seunghyun at the same time.
"A kiss on the cheek from me! Kekeke~~" Sunhee then let go of Seunghyun's arm and wandered away. Jonghun was quick enough to stop her and catch up.
"Whoa, not so fast, lady."
The three of them then continued sight seeing, window shopping, and fooling around until they met Jaejin along with Cha Yoo at Zara.
"Jaejiiiin~!" called Sunhee from afar. Jaejin and Cha Yoo looked back.
"Sissy~! Omona are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't visit you at the hospital. Just when I went there, they said you were back home, so.. yeah.." explained Jaejin.
Sunhee understood and looked at Cha Yoo. "So, you two are..?"
Cha Yoo hide her smile and bent her head shyly, while Jaejin put his hands around Cha Yoo's shoulder easily.
"Ah~! Why didn't you tell me! Jaejin you traitor! We promised not to have a partner until we both find each others! Now you found one and I haven't!"
Jaejin just chuckled, "Ah mianhaeyo, Sunhee. Hey, even though you still haven't find a namja, you already have good looking guys around you. Look, you even bought to bodyguards with you. Hehe.."
Jonghun and Seunghyun just looked at each other and smiled. They actually do look like bodyguards, especially with Sunhee walking in the middle.
"Never mind. Anyway, we're planning for a surprise birthday party for Tory oppa this Saturday, Jaejin you should come okay! Oh and you too Cha Yoo! The more guests, the better!" Sunhee was so excited she even felt pain when her bruise stretched.
"Of course, Unnie! Where will the party be held?" asked Cha Yoo.
Sunhee looked at the sky, thinking. "Don't know yet. I'll call you guys when it is all fixed. Now you both go enjoy yourselves, okay! Bye bye!"
Sunhee gently pushed Jaejin and Cha Yoo away and waved good bye. Then she turned back to the two guys.
"Where's Suyu oppa?" she asked, traveling her eyes around the mall.
Jonghun walked towards Sunhee cozily, "He went to the restrooms."
"Ooh.." Sunhee nodded her head and looked around again.
Jonghun looked at Sunhee and was thinking hard.
I guess I should tell her..
"Sunhee," he called.
"Hm?" Sunhee answered, but didn't look at him.
"Sunhee look at me!" Jonghun grabbed both Sunhee's hands. Sunhee startled and quickly looked into Jonghun's eyes.
"Wha.. what?" Sunhee looked somewhat afraid, Jonghun's face turned serious.
"Listen, I got to tell you something..."
To be continued...

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