"Jonghuuuuuuuuuuun! Over here!"
Jo Kwon waved vigorously to me as my eyes were searching all over the noodle cafe for my two buddies. We just went to this cafe two days ago, and Jo Kwon is still asking to come again.
"Hey guys.. Oh, should i say 'hey lady' to you?"
I teased Jo Kwon and he just gave me a punch on my shoulder.
"Hey Jong Hyun.."
Jong Hyun looked up at me, he stood up and gave a high five. Then he dragged one chair to the table for me to sit.
"Have you guys ordered?" I asked,
"Aniyo~ we were waiting for you." answered Jo Kwon.
Then Jong Hyun snapped his hands in the air to find a waiter. Or maybe a waitress.
This fair young lady came towards our table. She had black straight hair, with bangs to the left. She wore Calvin Klein glasses, and of course the official turquoise apron of Noodle Cafe.
"May i take your order?" she asked.
The three of us didn't say anything. We all looked at the girl. She looked confused and started to ask again,
"Excuse me? Have you made your order?"
"Ah ! Ne, I'll have tom yum udon, please. You, Jong Hyun? Jonghun?", Jo Kwon was the first one speak up.
"Me.. uhm, original ramen." said Jong Hyun.
The girl wrote the orders on her small note.
"And you, Sir?" she asked to me.
"Eh? Uh.. make mine the same as his." I pointed to Jo Kwon.
The girl then smiled and asked, "Anything else?"
"Give us three glasses of our favorite drinks in here.." said Jong Hyun.
The girl made a frown, "Your favorite drinks?"
Jong Hyun looked at me and Jo Kwon.
"Yeah, we're like permanent customers here, you should know our drink." Jong Hyun said in full confidence.
I just smiled and rolled my eyes.
"Ah Jong Hyun, maybe she's new here. I haven't seen her before. You're new right?" asked Jo Kwon.
"Oh, yes I am.." said the girl.
I looked at her name tag.
Song Sun Hee.
I kept quiet and just smiled, while Jong Hyun tried to explain our favorite drink that we usually order if we come and eat at the noodle cafe. The girl nod and bowed, then went away to place our orders.
~Jo Kwon's POV~
I was talking to Jong Hyun when suddenly i spot our quiet yet fun leader, Jonghun, traveling his eyes here and there to find us.
"Jonghuuuuuuuuuuun! Over here!"
I waved to him and he walked towards our table. He greeted us and even said "hey lady" to me. HAHA~ yeah really funny. I know we just came to this cafe like two days ago, but i just wanted to come again so I asked my two buddies to come along.
We usually hang out here, minimal once a week. The three of us always spend time together, since we were in elementary school. Our parents were best friends, and it made us become best buddies as well.
I'm the eldest in this group, but Jong Hyun and Jonghun always call me as the magnae. Maybe coz i act young, hehe. And Jonghun's the leader of the group. Since I'm labeled as the magnae, then Jonghun was pointed to be the leader. He was born on the same year as Jong Hyun though, but a month older. And we didn't regret to choose him as our leader, as he was such a wise and caring person. He tends to be quiet in the group, but sometimes he could lighten up the day. Oh and I am very envious of his looks. He is neomu yeppeo ! He's prettiness even beats the beauty of a real girl. Haha ! But sometimes he looks cool though.
And about Jong Hyun, he's like my talking soulmate. We often get excited by ourselves, leaving Jonghun laughing at us behind. I usually prank on Jong Hyun and tell jokes, and Jonghun just have to watch and wait until Jong Hyun runs out of patience and wants to punch me. If that happens, Jonghun always stand in between and give us an advice.
Jong Hyun is also great at singing. His voice is like wow. While Jonghun is very capable of playing the guitar, and piano. Me? I just love singing Gee. Haha!
If Jonghun is wise and caring, Jong Hyun is the opposite. Jong Hyun tends to be arrogant, stubborn, and he has unlimited amount of confidence. He gets angry easily, but he is also funny at the same time. He's very talkative, and he can really treat a girl well, i think.
Well the point is, if one of us is missing, then it's not fun. We once arranged a holiday together to Hawaii, but then Jonghun couldn't come, he said he has to help his dad run his company. Jonghun told me and Jong Hyun to go and have a holiday just the two of us, but we both refused. In the end we waited for Jonghun's work to be done, and then we had a small trip to the amusement park.
Oh, I saw this pretty girl coming towards our table. It seems that Jong Hyun called her. She looks so young, hmm.. maybe 4 years younger than me? Just a guess. Then when she asked our orders, we just were dazzled by the waitress. Double JH didn't said a thing, so i just placed my orders, then they start to follow.
The one thing i know that, even though Jonghun was being really quiet, he was paying full attention on the girl. Aha~ ! I smell something fishy.
~Jong Hyun's POV~
I have sat with Jo Kwon at the noodle cafe for 15 minutes. We decided not to order until Jonghun comes. When he came, we greeted each other, blablabla, then i called a waitress to get our order.
This waitress seems new. I knew that but i just teased her to guess our favorite drink. Jo Kwon then defended her and told her that she was new. As i said, i already knew it.
So after we ordered, the girl walked away and placed our orders. And i saw Jonghun. He couldn't take his eyes off the waitress. I wonder if.. wait.. I think I'll make an exciting thing to do..
"Guys, listen!"
Jo Kwon then looked at me. But Jonghun didn't noticed that i was calling him.
"Helloooow~ Mister!" Jo Kwon clapped his hands in front of Jonghun's face.
Jonghun shrugged off of his reverie. He just made a crooked smile and then turned to listen what i was going to say.
"How bout we do a bet?" i asked,
Jo Kwon raised his eyebrows, "Betting on what? for what?"
I smiled and pointed at the waitress, "On her."
Jo Kwon turned his head and looked at the waitress. Jonghun too. But their reaction was different. When Jo Kwon looked at her, he just said, "Oh. then what should we do? aha~ i think this is going to be fun!"
While Jonghun was caught in his reverie again and didn't say anything.
"HEY JONGHUN!" i shouted.
"Huh? Oh yeah. what should we do?"
I smirked and explained,
"If one of the three of us is able to win the girl's heart, then he wins. The things we do? Ask her name, ask her phone number, take her for a walk.."
"Jong Hyun, she isn't a dog. Don't say 'take her for a walk'." said Jo Kwon.
"Hahaha mian, i meant, take her for a date, et cetera et cetera.."
Jo Kwon made a big grin, "If i win? what would i get?"
Jong Hyun tried to think for a while, "Well, haven't figured out about that yet. You can ask anything and double JH will grant it for you, SOWONEUL MALHAEBWA!"
I started to dance along to SNSD's single, Genie. Then Jo Kwon burst out laughing hard, while Jonghun laughed hard to but covered his mouth with his hands.
I sat on my seat again and asked, "Come on, guys, deal?"
Jo Kwon shouted, "DEAL! yaaaaay the competition has begun!"
He raised both his hands to the air while smiling and shaking here and there vigorously.
"Jonghun?" i asked.
Jonghun smiled, he gave his pretty smile again, "Deal." he said.
Then i saw him smiling to himself and whispering the name..
"Song Sun Hee."
My new (s)TORY : Days with 3ple J (DW3J)
casts :
~ 3ple J :
Choi Jonghun (FT Island) as Jonghun

Kim Jong Hyun (SHINee) as Jong Hyun

Jo Kwon as (2AM) Jo Kwon

~ me as Song Sun Hee (^^p)
~ Isty Naurotul Mardhiyyah {HAHAH} as Mi Cha Yoo (Sun Hee's waitress friend)
~ Lee Seung Hyun (Big Bang) as Tory (Sun Hee's big bro)

~ Lee Jaejin (FT Island) as Jaejin (Cha Yoo's close one)

COMING SOON, as soon as A Future Story finishes ^^
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