Mrs. Song's shrieking voice made Sun Hee startled and jumped off her bed. It was Monday. And like everyone do, Sun Hee hates Mondays.
"Argh~! Umma nie, would you stop shouting? I'M UP ALREADY!!"
"Yeah, you're up AFTER mom called you, Sun Hee."
Sun Hee looked at her door. There was her big brother standing leaning on the door, already dressed up and ready for work.
"Seung Hyun! Don't just stand still and do nothing, drag your sister to the bathroom. Come on!", Mrs. Song kept shouting.
"Yes, Mom! and please call me Tory, would you?"
"Why Seung Ri, oppa?" asked Sun Hee.
Tory smiled.
"Because that's what my friends call me at work. ^^"
Sun Hee smirked, "Oh yeah, i forgot that you work in an International Company."
Sun Hee yawned and walked heavily to her bathroom. Tory pushed her to walk faster. He laughed softly then walked to the dining room for breakfast.
__ 35 minutes later __
Sun Hee was busy packing her stuff for college. And as usual, she wore her yellow cardigan, straight shocking pink jeans, and sneaker heels. And she done her hair with a messy bun.
"Sun Hee! Breakfast!", yelled Mrs. Song.
"Yes, MOOOOOM~~ !", Sun Hee yelled back while grabbing her glasses and wearing it.
When she walked down the stairs, she saw her dad waiting below.
"appa!", Sun Hee ran and hugged her dad.
"aigoo~ my daughter. You still act like a 5 year old girl.", Mr. Song brushed his daughter's hair.
Then they both walked to the dining room. Mrs. Song and Tory were already sitting there.
"Don't you have any other clothes, Sun Hee? Your walking closet has tons of better clothes than that you are wearing."
"Ah, umma.. I wear this every Mondays so it can cheer me up! you know that i hate Mondays a lot.."
"Whatever. Now come on sit and eat. We have something to tell you."
"We?" asked Sun Hee.
As the Songs started breakfast, they all chatted about Sun Hee's college, Tory's work, Mr. Song's company, and Mrs. Song's cafe. When they all finished, Tory went out first to go to work, then Mr. Song followed, then Sun Hee was about to stand up too when suddenly her mom called her.
"Sun Hee."
"Ne, umma?"
"Would you come to my cafe this evening?" asked her mom.
"Uuuh.. why?", Sun Hee asked back.
"there will be a surprise for you!"
Sun Hee raised her eyebrows.
"Mom are you sick?"
"No, I'm fine. -__-' Now go to college quickly or you'll be late!"
Sun Hee rolled her eyes and just smiled while walking outside. Her private driver was already there waiting for her, and so is her best friend.
"Oh! Jaejin~ah, you've arrived already.."
"Sun Hee, your house is next to mine. Of course i have arrived!", Jaejin smiled.
"Haha, come on come on~ hop on ^^. You've had breakfast already, right?"
"no, i haven't" answered Jaejin.
Sun Hee looked worried, "Mr. Lee, is there something to eat in the Limo?"
Sun Hee's driver, Mr. Lee, answered, "Ah yes, ma'am. There are plenty of kimbabs and sushi inside."
Sun Hee smiled and looked at Jaejin. Jaejin smirked.
"Sounds good enough to me, let's go!" he said.
Sun Hee and Jaejin both arrived at Kyung Gi University. Sun Hee's limo looks a bit "over" to ride it to college, but what can she do. Her mom told her to ride it together with Jaejin since they are neighbors, best friends, and both their parents are good acquaintances.
Sun Hee has class on 9 am, while Jaejin has class on 8 am. Sun Hee's major is Digital Music, and Jaejin's major is Social Studies. Jaejin went to class earlier than Sun Hee, so she decided to walk around since she had 1 more hour until she has to go to class.
Sun Hee is actually new in college. She just have been there for a month. While Jaejin is 4 semesters older than Sun Hee. They have been best friends since elementary, until now. Jaejin's father and Sun Hee's father are both partners in a company. That's why both families are extremely rich and well known.
Sun Hee walked to the canteen, she bought a glass of strawberry milkshake and sat on her favorite spot, near the window. She loves to sit near the window, because from where she sits, she can watch people coming here and there. And she founds it really interesting.
When she was looking through the window, she saw a pretty boy walking by, wearing a black hat, thick framed glasses, cream khaki pants, white t-shirt and long sleeved plaid shirt to cover it, and he was carrying a white bag on his right shoulder.

Suddenly her alarm on her handphone rang. Her pink LG CYON lollipop was sparkling here and there. Sun Hee picked her phone and read the alarm text.
Class starts ! >.<
"Omona!", Sun Hee startled and finished her milkshake. She was so in a hurry, she stood up and walked quickly. When she was walking, she was busy on her phone and it made her bump into someone.
"CLANG~~ !"
a sound of chopsticks and metal utensils dropped to the floor. Sun Hee was shocked, everyone was looking at her.
"aissh! ah.. mianhae~".
Sun Hee picked up the utensils on the floor, she handed it to the guy that she bumped into. The guy just stared at her.
"ah? oh sorry.. this must be dirty. uh.. uhm.. here just use this! once again, mianhae~ got to go!"
Sun Hee pulled out a small cute box set of spoon, fork and chopsticks from her bag, she handed it to the guy and then continued to walk away quickly.
"Hey ! But how am I going to return..", the guy shouted but Sun Hee was to far away to hear him. He didn't finish his sentence when he saw the name on the small box.
"Song Sun Hee?"
When Sun Hee was done with her class, she then just noticed that the guy she bumped into was the pretty boy that she glared at that morning.
"Damn~ now how am I going to get my utensils back? I don't even know who he is, what major does he takes, what's his name. Argh.. what a pity, those are my favorite set of spoons and chopsticks!"
"BOO~ !"
Sun Hee freaked out and turned her back. It was Jaejin who purposely "boo-ed" her.
"Jaejin~ah !", shouted Sun Hee.
"Hahahaha~ you looked so serious and so solemn so i decided to give you a fright."
"It's not funny." Sun Hee made a blow face.
"What happened?" asked Jaejin.
"My spoon."
"Pfft, hahahaa. what's with it?" Jaejin couldn't hide his laugh because of Sun Hee's funny sad face.
"I lost it."
"You can by a new one."
"But it's special"
"Then find it." said Jaejin.
"I can't!"
"Then don't think about it."
Sun Hee gave a death glare to Jaejin. Jaejin just laughed out hard.
"Haha, kidding, Sis. aaw~ don't feel bad, you'll find it somehow."
Sun Hee then made a small smile. Suddenly her phone rang, it was her mom.
"yoboseyo? umma nie?"
"Sun Hee, dear. Forgot what i told you?"
Sun Hee's mom slapped her own head.
"Come to my cafe. NOW~"
Sun Hee closed her phone then said bye bye to Jaejin, then she went off to her mom's cafe. She was wondering what is her mom preparing for her. A surprise? Sun Hee felt suspicious.
Sun Hee arrived at her mom's noodle cafe. She went inside the kitchen to find her mom, and when she found her mom, she then was dragged outside to talk.
"Whassup, mom?" asked Sun Hee.
"yo yo whatever.. here, wear this!" answered Mrs. Song.
Sun Hee found a turquoise apron in her hands.
"what?" she asked again.
"From now on you will work here every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. As a waitress."
the customers all turned their heads to Sun Hee. Mrs. Song apologized and pleased the customers to continue eating.
"Lower your voice, Sun Hee!"
"But ummaaaaa~~~"
"You have to learn to be independent, Sun Hee. I feel bored and disappointed watching you being online and sleep and eat when at home. We have maids at home that's why you become lazy, but you MUST grow up, Sun Hee! Look at your big bro! He's on top of his business career and soon he will resemble his dad. And what about you?"
"But umma, a waitress? Can't i be the cashier, or.. the one who cooks in the kitchen?" pleaded Sun Hee.
"You? Being a cook? Try it then, if only the cafe will catch fire.", teased Mrs. Song.
"Umma nie!"
"Shut up and go change!"
Mrs. Song pushed Sun Hee to the changing room. Sun Hee blabbered and talked to herself while putting on her apron.
"Mom is so annoying lately! she knows that i don't like to be compared to Tory oppa. But she keeps comparing! Independent.. independent what? i didn't know that being independent, you must be trained to be a waitress.. ah this is crazy!"
Sun Hee had a hard time tying up her apron on her back when somebody suddenly helped her.
"Here you go.." said a sweet voice.
Sun Hee turned around and she found a sweet girl smiling at her.
"ah, thank you.." Sun Hee bowed, "you are..?"
"Mi Cha Yoo.. just call me Cha Yoo. I bet you are Mrs. Song's one and only daughter?
Oh at last you came. ^^ Mrs. Song was talking about a new waitress since a week ago and we were all curious about it. We didn't know it was actually you! Welcome to the Noodle Cafe!"
"Oh boy.." Sun Hee whispered to herself, "this is gonna be hard.."
Cha Yoo was busy introducing the cafe to Sun Hee when suddenly 2 guys went to the cafe and sat at the outdoors.
"Cha Yoo~.." said Sun Hee.
"When customers come, they're free to pick which place to sit, right? no need to reserve?"
"If they want to sit outdoors, then yes. But if indoors, they must get a waitress to get them a place."
"Ooh~" Sun Hee nod her head.
She paid attention to the 2 guys chatting outdoors. One was like a girlish guy, sort of fun and vigorous type. And the other guy was the manly type, but he looks shorter than the girlish one.
Sun Hee then continued to learn about the cafe, how to place orders, where to place orders, how to greet customers. Basically, Sun Hee already knows the ways, because Sun Hee often visit the cafe to see her mom. But she thinks it's no prob to take a simple tutorial for her first day on work.
"...ok then. That's all. You can start placing orders now. And if there's anything you wanna ask, feel free to find me."
"Ok, thanks, Cha Yoo."
Cha Yoo smiled and went off to work. Sun Hee stood still looking around to find a customer waiting to be served.
She saw the outdoor table that has been placed by the 2 guys. Now there's another guy joining them. The manly type guy waved over to her, so she walked towards the table to place their orders.
When she got near the table, everyone didn't speak. And Sun Hee kept looking at the last guy that joined the table.
Seems that i have seen him before.. but, where??
To be continued..
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