All the three guys said nothing. They all looked at Sun Hee, it made her feel awkward so she asked again,
"Excuse me? Have you made your order?"
the girlish guy spoke up,
"Ah ! Ne, I'll have tom yum udon, please. You, Jong Hyun? Jonghun?"
"Me.. uhm, original ramen." said the shortest guy.
Sun Hee wrote their orders in her small note.
"And you, Sir?", Sun Hee asked to the guy who came last.
"Eh? Uh.. make mine the same as his.", he pointed to the girlish one.
Sun Hee smiled and asked, "Anything else?"
"Give us three glasses of our favorite drinks in here..", said the shortest guy that Sun Hee thinks his name is Jong Hyun.
Sun Hee was confused, "your.. favorite drinks?"
"Yeah, we're like permanent customers here, you should know our drink." he said again.
Damn~ who do you think you are? I OWN THIS PLACE~~
"Ah Jong Hyun, maybe she's new here. I haven't seen her before. You're new right?" asked the girlish one.
Ah~! he understands my feelings.. oh so that GRRH~ guy's name is Jong Hyun.. hmm
"Ah, yes I am.." answered Sun Hee.
"Well, ok then. Listen.."
Jong Hyun explained about the drinks to Sun Hee. Sun Hee listened carefully while nodding where head certain times. She didn't knew that the other guy kept glaring at her. When Jong Hyun was done, Sun Hee repeated the orders then she walked away to place the orders.
She forgot about the guy that she thought she knew. -_-
"Guys, listen!"
Jo Kwon, the girlish guy in the group, spontaneously looked at Jong Hyun. But Jonghun, the guy who came last, didn't her Jong Hyun calling so Jo Kwon clapped his hands in front of Jonghun's face.
"Helloooow~ Mister!"
Jonghun shrugged off of his reverie. He just made a crooked smile and then turned to listen what Jong Hyun was going to say.
"How bout we do a bet?", asked Jong Hyun.
Jo Kwon raised his eyebrows, "Betting on what? for what?"
Jong Hyun smiled and pointed at the waitress, "On her."
Jo Kwon turned his head and looked at the waitress. Jonghun too. But their reaction was different. When Jo Kwon looked at her, he just said, "Oh. then what should we do? aha~ i think this is going to be fun!"
While Jonghun was caught in his reverie again and didn't say anything.
"HEY JONGHUN!" shouted Jong Hyun.
"Huh? Oh yeah. what should we do?"
Jong Hyun smirked and explained,
"If one of the three of us is able to win the girl's heart, then he wins. The things we do? Ask her name, ask her phone number, take her for a walk.."
"Jong Hyun, she isn't a dog. Don't say 'take her for a walk'." said Jo Kwon.
"Hahaha mian, i meant, take her for a date, et cetera et cetera.."
Jo Kwon made a big grin, "If i win? what would i get?"
Jong Hyun tried to think for a while, "Well, haven't figured out about that yet. You can ask anything and double JH will grant it for you, SOWONEUL MALHAEBWA!"
I started to dance along to SNSD's single, Genie. Then Jo Kwon burst out laughing hard, while Jonghun laughed hard to but covered his mouth with his hands.
Jong Hyun sat back on his seat again and asked, "Come on, guys, deal?"
Jo Kwon shouted, "DEAL! yaaaaay the competition has begun!"
He raised both his hands to the air while smiling and shaking here and there vigorously.
"Jonghun?" asked Jong Hyun.
Jonghun smiled, he gave his pretty smile again, "Deal." he said.
Sun Hee was done with her shift. It has been 6 hours since she arrived there. It was 11pm already, Sun Hee was packing her stuff to go home. The cafe though, is open 24 hours so she switched shifts with other employees.
"Cha Yoo~!" called Sun Hee.
"Yes, Sun Hee?"
"Thanks for today. I should be going home now. Have you seen my mom?"
"Oh, Mrs. Song? uhm.. I.. uh.." Cha Yoo suddenly went nervous.
"What is it, Cha Yoo?", Sun Hee got curious.
Cha Yoo took a deep breath.
"Mrs. Song left the cafe since 8pm, she left a message to me that you should go home by yourself, by public transportation, and she said it has something to do with independence.."
Sun Hee's face went stressed.
"AAAAKH~ JONGMAL.. umma is really.. aaaaaaargh~!"
Cha Yoo patted her friend's back.
"Aw, Sun Hee it's okay. Public transportation isn't that bad you know?"
"But.. aaaaakh~~" Sun Hee covered her face.
"Come on I'll take you to the bus stop ahead."
Cha Yoo led Sun Hee outside the cafe. Sun Hee held Cha Yoo's arms in order not to get lost (at least that what she thinks) and walked beside her. Suddenly someone called..
"Song Sun Hee?"
Both Sun Hee and Cha Yoo stopped. Sun Hee looked around and found the guy-that-came-last-among-his-other-friends still sitting at the same table.
Sun Hee was too lazy to give a damn so she just answered,
"Me? aakh~ mianhae, my shift is over, you can call another waitress."
Sun Hee was about to clap her hands when the guy said,
"Ah no no no~! It's you that i need."
Sun Hee's eyes grew big. "mwo?"
"akh~ i mean.. here.. this is yours, right?"
the guy lend Sun Hee's small cute box set of spoons. Sun Hee startled.
"my box!", Sun Hee grabbed the box from the guy's hands. He just smiled.
"but how did you.. ah~!"
Sun Hee didn't finish her sentences when she realized that it was the guy she bumped into that afternoon at her college. He just smiled again.
"ooh.. aa~ mianhae about that again. uh, I.."
"No, no it's okay. I thought i wouldn't have a chance to return it to you, but i saw your name on the box, and i saw your name tag when you were serving, and i remembered your face so.. yeah." he explained.
Sun Hee just bowed and nod her head.
"By the way.. you're taking digital music as your major?" he asked.
Sun Hee answered, "Ah yes, i just started my year as a freshman. Uh.. you?"
"Then i'm actually your sunbae."
"mwo?" Sun Hee startled again.
"Haha, yep. My major is digital music too, except that I'm a senior and it's my last year now. Almost graduating."
Oh i see. HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW? dang~ Kyung Gi University is really big indeed.
"Oh really? oh.. bangapseumnida, sunbae. Sorry if i was lack of manners to you."
Sun Hee bowed again.
"It's okay. By the way.. I'm Choi Jonghun."
He reached out his hands to greet Sun Hee's.
"oh~ Song Sun Hee imnida." Sun Hee shaked hands with Jonghun.
"and.. where has your friend gone to?" asked Jonghun.
Sun Hee made a frown. She looked to her right and found that Cha Yoo was longer beside her.
"that girl~~ aish.. how am i going to go home now?" Sun Hee whispered to herself.
Jonghun actually noticed Sun Hee's uneasy expressions.
"you okay?", he asked.
"ah.. it's just that, i don't know how to go home. T_T"
Jonghun was about to laugh but he held it in.
"where do you live?"
"somewhere near Gangnam~"
Gangnam? Then this girl must be from a rich family..
"I actually drive myself here by my car. Do you mind if i take you home?", Jonghun offered help.
"What? oh no, thanks. I bother you too much, i think it's better if i take the bus."
"Really? You don't even know which bus that you should take, right? And it's already 11pm, almost midnight. Girls aren't supposed to.."
"OK~ ! ok, please take me home now, will you?"
Sun Hee cut off Jonghun's sentence. Jonghun just laughed.
"Ok, let's..", Jonghun pointed to his car that he parked at the side of the road.
Sun Hee immediately walked to the car. Jonghun walked behind her slowly, then he turned around.
"Guys~ ! HAHA~ I'll take my leave now, see you guys tomorrow!"
Actually, Jong Hyun and Jo Kwon were hiding beyond another table since Sun Hee and Jonghun started their conversation. Seeing Jonghun able to drive Sun Hee home even since their first meeting, made Jo Kwon and Jong Hyun envious.
"SHUT UP~ BEANSPROUT! i know this is pissing me off. Tomorrow we should catch up to him. Did you hear their conversation, Kwonnie?" asked Jong Hyun.
"YE! i heard that that Sun Hee girl goes to the same university as Jonghun and us. BUT SHE TAKES THE SAME MAJOR AS JONGHUN!" Jo Kwon shouted again.
"what? aaaaaah noooooo~ then Jonghun would have plenty of time to find that girl. DAMN IT~ what if he wins the bet?", Jong Hyun looked at Jo Kwon.
Jo Kwon just raised his shoulders. They both looked miserable watching Jonghun's car drive away from the cafe.
__ The Next Day __
Jonghun, Jo Kwon, and Jong Hyun were walking down the path of their university while talking about their betting game.
"Guys! You gotta know, that girl that we're putting a bet on, is THE Song Sun Hee! The Songs! Don't tell me you don't know the Songs?" asked Jonghun.
Jo Kwon spoke up,
"I know, I know! Sun Hee's dad a.k.a Mr. Song has a BIG company, it has many branches all over the world, he is the number 3 richest people in the world, his partner from the company is Mr. Lee a.k.a the father of Lee Jaejin which is in the same faculty as Jong Hyun's. Sun Hee's mom owns the noodle cafe which is also well known around Asia and has opened new stores in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Hongkong. And one more thing, Sun Hee's big bro Song Seung Hyun a.k.a Tory is the chief manager in another popular company and also well known all over the world! People say that Tory has the ability to take over the company. AND HE'S EVEN YOUNGER THAN ME! AAAAAAARGH~~!"
Jong Hyun and Jonghun looked at each other, while being amazed that Jo Kwon could explain about the Song family in just a minute without getting choked or feeling thirsty.
"Damn! i'm thirsty, let's get a drink." said Jo Kwon.
Oops. Jong Hyun and Jonghun's thoughts were wrong. Jo Kwon IS thirsty after all.
"Hey, Kwonnie, how did you know all about the Songs?" asked Jong Hyun.
"TV~." said Jo Kwon after buying a bottle of water.
"But how come you didn't recognize Sun Hee's face when she was taking our orders?" asked Jong Hyun again.
"How could i know? the TV never exposes Sun Hee's face. Only Tory's. They say that Sun Hee hasn't have any special abilities in business, that's why she's not as famous as her bro. But screw that. SHE IS STILL RICH." Jo Kwon answered.
Jonghun who was keeping silent all the time finally opened his mouth.
"Then why is she working at the noodle cafe?"
Jong Hyun and Jo Kwon looked at each other. Then Jong Hyun answered,
"Maybe that's just temporary. Maybe she just wants to prove to her mom that she can do anything even being a waitress. You know that she's talented in music, right? Piano, violin, guitar, bass, drums, you name it. And sports? Haha even boys aren't a match to her. Basketball, volley, tennis, swimming, riding the horse and even archery and shooting. Oh i forgot. She has the black belt already."
"Black.. black belt?" asked Jo Kwon.
"Whoa~ then she must be tough.."
"But one thing. She has one thing that she can't do, that i girl MUST do." continued Jong Hyun.
"what?" asked Jo Kwon and Jonghun together.
"she can't cook."
Jo Kwon and Jonghun looked at each other, but only Jo Kwon who burst out laughing.
"BWAHAHAHAHA~ OMO OMO, even I can cook, Jonghun too right? And for you Jong Hyun you can only eat. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~"
"argh~ shut up. so what are we going to do now?" asked Jong Hyun.
"what do you mean?" asked Jo Kwon.
"Should we continue our bet or cancel it? I mean, this is to risky." said Jong Hyun.
They ALL looked at each other.
"are you crazy? I've just made my move last night and you're canceling the bet? Nope. KEEP MOVING. I'm gonna do it. Don't cancel it!" said Jonghun.
Sun Hee was searching for Jaejin at his faculty. Sun Hee kept dialing Jaejin's number but he didn't pick up.
Where the hell is Jaejin? We're gonna be late for our tennis class..
nugu? why is he walking here anyway?
"annyeong~ !" greeted the guy.
"Oh, annyeong~" Sun Hee bowed a bit while still sitting, she pulled out her earplugs and asked,
"is there anything wrong?"
the guy smiled.
"oh, no, i was just wondering why are you alone here, aren't you suppose to be in class?"
"My class is over, I'm waiting for a friend." answered Sun Hee.
"Oh, what a coincidence, so am I! May i sit beside you?" he asked.
Sun Hee smiled and grabbed her bag out of the way, "Of course."
Then the guy sat down and reached out his hands,
"Forgot to introduce myself, Kim Jong Hyun imnida, I'm actually from this faculty."
Sun Hee accepted his hands, "Song Sun Hee. Digital musics.."
"Ah~ digital musics? i have a friend there.."
Sun Hee got curious, "Perhaps, Jonghun sunbae?"
Jong Hyun smiled,
"exactly, you already know him?" Jong Hyun pretended not to know anything about it.
"Yeah we actually met at.. hey! You're his friend at the noodle cafe right?"
"and hey! you're the waitress that served us, right?" Jong Hyun asked back.
They both laughed and Sun Hee said, "It's a small world after all."
Then Jong Hyun and Sun Hee both had a chit chat. Deep inside his heart, Jong Hyun was cheering for himself that FINALLY he gets to talk to Sun Hee. Then suddenly Jaejin came near them.
"Jaejin~ah!" called Sun Hee.
"Yo, Sis!" Jaejin waved to Sun Hee.
Jaejin walked towards Sun Hee and found his senior sitting beside Sun Hee.
"Oh, Jong Hyun sunbae, annyeong haseyo!"
Jong Hyun greeted back and bowed to Jaejin.
"Uhm~ we should be leaving now. Tennis class, haha. See you next time, Jong Hyun. Bangapseumnida~" Sun Hee bowed and walked away with Jaejin.
"Haha~ now it's Jo Kwon who's being miserable ^^", Jong Hyun said to himself.
"Jaejin~ah ! Give a high serve !"
Sun Hee shouted from across the tennis field. Both Jaejin and Sun Hee played seriously, and also being observed by their coach.
And the coach is..
"Oppa~! Time out please!" shouted Sun Hee.
"aw~ come on Sun Hee you've only played a set. The target today is 2 sets."
"oppa, i didn't say i was going to quit, i just asked for a time out." said Sun Hee.
"Tory hyung~! me too. hehe" Jaejin chuckled as he walked to the seats to wipe his sweat and chug down a bottle of water.
Tory gave a towel to Sun Hee.
"How's college?" he asked.
"typical. I'm continuing my composing project. You think i should make an upbeat song or a mellow one?"
"depends on how you feel." said Tory.
"and you, oppa?"
"how's work?"
"typical. Hehe~, anyway.. your first day in the cafe, how about it?" Tory asked again.
Sun Hee suddenly freaked out,
"OH OPPA you got to know! When i arrived, mom immediately gave me an apron and said that i work as a waitress! and i was like WHAAAAT~~??!! but then i met Cha Yoo and she taught me everything. and in the end i met this guy who was actually my sunbae and mom left me alone, so did Cha Yoo, and so i didn't know how to go home so sunbae drove me home."
Tory laughed, "Chillax, sis! You gotta breath while you're talking.."
Meanwhile, Jo Kwon was already stand by at the noodle cafe. He was wondering if he could find Sun Hee earlier than his buddies. Then a few minutes Jong Hyun came by.
"akh! Jjongie, why do you have to come so fast??"
"Kwonnie ! i don't wanna miss a chance, i GOT to meet Sun Hee again."
"yep, i already met her today at college."
then Jo Kwon and Jong Hyun went crazy themselves. Not long after that, Jonghun came last.
"why you're the one who keeps coming last?" asked Jo Kwon.
"oh, mianhae i was too busy." answered Jonghun.
"busy doing what?"
"playing my guitar."
"aigooo~" Jo Kwon and Jong Hyun both sighed.
Then Jo Kwon opened his eyes wide and started looking here and there. Jong Hyun joined him searching. Then Jonghun who didn't understand them suddenly asked,
"what are you guys looking for?"
"what? you mean.. WHO.." said Jong Hyun.
"Sun Hee?" asked Jonghun.
The two other boys didn't answer. Then Jong Hyun called a waitress,
"Hey! over here..ah ne, do you have any idea where the waitress Song Sun Hee is?" he asked.
"Oh, Sun Hee unnie is not coming for work today, her shifts are only every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays."
"Oh I see.. Thanks then for the info."
"any orders, sir?" asked the waitress.
Jong Hyun looked at his friends,
"nope, not yet. Thanks though."
"Ok, sir if there's anything you can just wave over. I'm Cha Yoo."
"Very well, thanks !"
Jong Hyun looked at his buddies. "You heard the girl. Sun Hee is not in today."
"argh! what a pity. Now it's only me who hasn't met her." sighed Jo Kwon.
Jonghun didn't gave a comment, he just spoke to himself.
Since i know where her house is, should i come over? what should i say?
To be continued..
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