Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Days With 3ple J {Plot 3}

The three guys decided to leave the noodle cafe, since the one they were looking for wasn't there. Jo Kwon invited Jong Hyun to play nintendo Wii at his house, while Jonghun said he would go home by himself.
He was actually lying.
Jonghun got in his car and was on his way to Sun Hee's house near Gangnam. He was about to make another move to win his bet.
As he arrived, a butler greeted him and asked who is he looking for.

"May I help you, Sir? Do you have any appointment with one of the Songs?"
Jonghun tidied up his clothes and his hair.
"Oh yes thank you., I was just wondering, is Miss Song Sun Hee home?"
"Ah, Miss Song hasn't arrived yet. She is still having tennis with Young Master Song and Young Master Lee. Maybe they will all arrive in an hour. Do you mind waiting, Sir?"

Ah.. tennisseu. an hour? that seems long. i guess i'll just meet her tomorrow at college.

"Nah, thanks a lot. I'll just leave now. Thank you, Sir !" said Jonghun
the butler bowed and watched Jonghun leave with his car.

Not far from there, Tory was driving his sport car with Sun Hee and Jaejin inside. Sun Hee was sitting beside the driver, Tory. Tory was talking to Sun Hee when suddenly their car passes by with Jonghun's car.
Sun Hee looked back and saw the car moved further and further.

"Whassup, Sis? anything wrong?" asked Tory.
"Ah.. aniya. I think i just saw.. oh no, nothing." answered Sun Hee.

Isn't that Jonghun sunbae's car? Was he from our house?

the next day..

"Ireoda michyeo naega yeoriyeori chakhadeon~~ Geureon naega neottaemune dora naega dokhan naro byeonhae naega.. OUCH~"

Jo Kwon was singing to Brown Eyed Girls' Abracadabra when he suddenly bumped into someone, his books that he was carrying instantly fell off his hands and hit the ground, his papers where everywhere.

"aish ! my papers.. grrh~"

He picked up his papers in a pissed mood, a pair of hands were helping him gather the books but he didn't noticed. When he was done, he stood up and grabbed the books from the person he bumped into.

"YAH~ ! don't you have eyes? you just..", Jo Kwon stopped when he stopped tidying his papers and looked up to the person that helped him.
"Mianhae, i wasn't concentrating on my path.."
Jo Kwon's eyes went wide and his mouth was widely opened.
"Song Sun Hee?" he asked.
Sun Hee looked confused, "Do i know you?"
Jo Kwon turned his back and whispered "YES YES YES!! AHA~ FINALLY"
then he turned to Sun Hee again.

"Oh ! let me introduce myself, I'm Jo Kwon. my friends call me Kwonnie. hehe."
"Sun Hee imnida.. have i met you somewhere?" Sun Hee was curious.
"Of course! we met at the noodle cafe, remember? i was with my friends, double JH. hahaha"
Sun Hee snapped her hands, "ah yes! i remember! oh, bangapseumnida.. Kwonnie?"
Jo Kwon laughed, "Yea yea! call me Kwonnie."
"So you're a student here in KGU too?" asked Sun Hee.
"Yep. I just graduated from the arts and now I'm taking French.."
"French?" asked Sun Hee.
"Yea, Franzosisch. haha~ just wanna learn about it. hey how about you? what major are you in?"
Jo Kwon actually already knew that Sun Hee was in digital musics like Jonghun, but he just asked to make sure.
"It's my first year in digital musics. Hey is it okay that i don't call you 'sunbae'?"
Jo Kwon smiled, "ah, no no never call me sunbae. I'm too young to be called sunbae hahahaha"
Sun Hee smiled back, "ok then. ^^ oh and sorry for your papers. Uhm, is there anything i can do to apologize?"
"ah, no don't bother. It's okay. XD"
"You sure?" asked Sun Hee.
Jo Kwon made a thinking face for a while.

"except that you don't mind accompanying me to Starbucks this afternoon?"
Sun Hee smiled.


"so if you want to go to France, you must be able to speak french fluently? otherwise the people won't answer if you talk english?"
"yep." Sun Hee took a sip of her blended frappucino.
"you've been to Paris?" asked Jo Kwon.
"hmm.. twice. Once only with my mom and the other time only with my bro. Haha you should know, when i was there with Tory oppa, i stayed so close to him. There were couples everywhere and this guy who sells souvenirs said that we were a great couple. Hahaha, he didn't know that we were actually siblings!"
Jo Kwon made a small laugh.
"ahaha, that's because you both look charismatic. what is it like in Paris?"

Sun Hee then told her story about her vacation to Paris with Tory. Jo Kwon was so enthusiastic, he listened to the story very carefully. Sometimes he comments on it, and then he takes a sip of his drink.

"Wow so cool! do you mind if i ask you about something i don't understand when i start my college?" he asked.
"of course, haha. I'll do my best to help ^^"
Jo Kwon smiled happily. "ah~ great! then can i have your number?"

"my number?"
"yea so i could contact you if i have any problems on my college."

and so i can often ask you out ! HAHA i bet double JH haven't got her number yet.

Sun Hee gave her number to Jo Kwon.
"By the way, Jong Hyun said you guys are daily customers at our cafe. Is it right?"
"Oh yes! We often hang out there even before you started working. Hehe~ the noodle cafe is 3ple J's best hang out place."
"3ple J?" asked Sun Hee.
"Oh, that's what i call the three of us, 3ple J. 3ple, coz all our names start with the letter J. and i call both Jong Hyun and Jonghun 'double JH'."
Sun Hee smiled, "Interesting.. ^^"
"by the way, you already met Jong Hyun?" asked Jo Kwon.
"Yea, i met him when i was waiting at Jaejin's faculty. I just found out that he was Jaejin's sunbae. I didn't know that you three all go to college here."
"So you've met Jonghun at your faculty too?"
Sun Hee tried to think.
"I met him before i saw you guys at our cafe, i accidentally bumped into him. Then i just knew him when we met at the noodle cafe. that time he was alone, where were you guys?"
Jo Kwon laughed, "you mean me and Jong Hyun? well, we just 'ciao'-ed out of the place leaving Jonghun behind hahaha. So you haven't met Jonghun again after at the noodle cafe?"
"No. not yet."

AHAHA~ YESS.. Jonghun is busy with his last project. YEAY YEAY he can't meet Sun Hee that often!


"umma nie~ I'm home!"
Sun Hee rushed inside her 'mansion'. She looked inside and found her mom at the kitchen.
"umma? what are making? cakes? YUM, I WANNA HELP!"
Mrs. Song blocked Sun Hee's opened mouth with a piece of waffle to make her stop speaking.
"there. eat that and don't even think to help me. your cooking skills are beyond minus. now just look at the music room and see who's there."
"mmfh~ nyum nyum~ music room? nugu?"
Mrs. Song just pushed Sun Hee out. Sun Hee grabbed a glass of water that her butler has prepared. She chugged down her drink while she walked to the music room.

She heard someone playing Yiruma's It's Your Day. Sun Hee opened the door and found her bestie at the piano.
"Dae Hee!"
Dae Hee smiled, "Sun Hee, sista~ !"
Sun Hee walked to Dae Hee, Dae Hee stood up and hugged her bestie.
"How was it in Thailand?" asked Sun Hee.
"It was amazing! Look what i brought from there."

Dae Hee pointed to someone on the sofa.
"Jaejin?" asked Sun Hee.
Dae Hee slapped her own forehead. "Not him, babo. Beside Jaejin."
Sun Hee then looked at the guy in white who was sitting beside Jaejin. The guy had brownish hair, thick eyebrows, and looks pretty for a guy.
"annyeong haseyo, I'm Nichkhun."
He bowed at Sun Hee. Sun Hee bowed back, then she turned to Dae Hee.
"AHA~ what a nice souvenir. hahaha, hope you guys go on well ^^"
Nichkhun walked to Dae Hee, "Thanks, Sun Hee."
"EHEM~" coughed Jaejin.
"aa~! Jaejin-ah, hahaha how long were you sitting there? come on let's start our piano lesson." said Sun Hee.
"what were we playing yesterday?" asked Jaejin.
"Yiruma's River Flow in You." said Sun Hee.
Nichkhun suddenly spoke up, "Hey i can play that song!"
"oh, Jongmal?" asked Jaejin, Sun Hee and Dae Hee together.

Then Sun Hee told Nichkhun to teach them the song. Every Tuesdays, Sun Hee always play the piano together with Jaejin, they don't have a personal trainer, they just play. But that day, Dae Hee who was Sun Hee's high school friend came back from Thailand and Nichkhun was with her. So the four of them started their new lesson together.


40 minutes later, Nichkhun and Jaejin decided to go for a walk while Sun Hee and Dae Hee had a girl talk in Sun Hee's room.
"You know when i started my job as a waitress i met these three guys at the cafe..."

Sun Hee continued her story while Dae Hee was applying nail polish and listening carefully.

"Then the next day i started to meet the three guys at three different places. Well i actually met Jonghun sunbae before i worked at the cafe. But when i met Jong Hyun and Jo Kwon.. i don't know. The meeting seems like it has been planned purposely, by them."

Dae Hee looked up to Sun Hee,
"and why do you think it is so?"
"I don't know. I just feel that something is awkward."
"If i were you, i'll trash my weird feelings and enjoy them being around me. You gotta be kidding me! You said that Jonghun sunbae is the cool and calm type, while sometimes talkative. and then Jong Hyun is the type that many girls would fall for. and then Jo Kwon is like someone who can lighten up your day. You, are among all three types. Your life should be fun.", said Dae Hee.
Sun Hee just laughed. "Hahaha i shouldn't have told this to you."
Dae Hee smiled and continued on polishing.

Suddenly Sun Hee's mom knocked on her door,
"Sun Hee dear?"
"Yes mom?" asked Sun Hee.
Mrs. Song opened the door, "Someone's looking for you down there."
"I mean there's a guest. And why don't you invite him for dinner? It's almost ready."
"who is it anyway?" asked Sun Hee.
"I don't know. I forgot to ask his name. The thing i know that he is sure damn pretty," said Mrs. Song.

"Pretty?", Sun Hee and Dae Hee looked at each other.

To be continued..