Suddenly Sun Hee woke up. She lifted her head up and it made Jonghun kinda surprised.
"Jonghun! I've got an idea!"
Jonghun made a frown, "what idea?"
"For your song project. I just had a dream where i heard an acoustic guitar playing beautiful melodies. Hmm but i forgot the melody. T_T"
Jonghun smirked.
Sun Hee then stretched her arms, and stood up to grab her phone.
"Seems like you have a missed call there." said Jonghun.
Sun Hee opened her phone. She looked at the missed call. Kwonnie.
Sun Hee looked at Jonghun. Jonghun looked back.
"So, you've known Jo Kwon well?" asked Jonghun.
Sun Hee stayed cool. "Haha, we accidentally met in front of his faculty. He told me he was majoring french and since i can speak french, i decided to help him out a bit."
Jonghun nod his head, "I see."
Sun Hee looked at her watch. "mwo?!"
"What?" asked Jonghun,
"How come it's 5 pm already? i must rush home for dinner. Oh! but we haven't done anything since i arrived here! oh mianhae sunbae, instead of helping you i fell asleep!"
"It's okay," smiled Jonghun, "you have already helped even just by being here. Now, you need a ride home?"
"Is it okay? i mean, this is quite far from Gangnam. I can just ring my driver you know."
"Is that so? Oh okay.."
Jonghun decided not to insist taking Sun Hee home, because if he did, Sun Hee would smell something suspicious.
Sun Hee called her driver, and in only 30 minutes, her car arrived. When she was about to hop on, Jonghun called her,
"Hey Sun Hee!"
"Don't forget your double shift tomorrow."
Sun Hee's smile fade away.
"Haha, just kidding, see you tomorrow!" Jonghun waved,
Sun Hee waved back, "Bye! say hi to your parents.."
As Sun Hee hopped in and her car started to move further, Jonghun just looked out there in emptiness.
Jo Kwon has got Sun Hee's number even before i got the chance to ask her. I wonder if Jong Hyun already done his progress too..
On Friday...
"Sun Hee! table number 7!"
Sun Hee turned around and took the tray that her mom was holding, then she delivered it to table 7.
"Sun Hee, number 9 needs an order!"
Sun Hee rolled her eyes while forcing a smile and serving table number 9. When she got back near the kitchen, she complained to her mom.
"Umma! you always go 'Sun hee, sun hee!' meanwhile 7 other waiters aren't doing anything. ummaaaaaaaaa~ how could you?"
Mrs. Song stayed cool and ignored Sun Hee.
"Geez, mom is getting more strict these days.."
Sun Hee walked to the cashier and found Cha Yoo standing by the register.
"Cha Yoo? You're in charge of being the cashier?"
"Haha, yea unnie! Uhm, Mrs. Song said that you have a double shift today, is it right? no wonder, i was looking for you last wednesday but you didn't come."
Sun Hee leaned her back on the wall and tidied up her apron.
"Hmph~ yea. I forgot my shift, umma too. That's why she gave me a double shift today."
Cha Yoo printed a piece of bill, then continued her speech again,
"By the way unnie.."
"You look cute in that hairstyle. ^^"
Sun Hee widen her eyes and touched her hair, "ah~ chinja?"
Cha Yoo smiled, "really! you look more younger."
Then Sun Hee's smile faded away, "so you mean if i don't tie my hair like this, i look old?"
Cha Yoo laughed, "hahah no unnie, it's just that.. I think your piggy tail hair suits you well. Uhm~ i see those three guys looking at you since you were here."
Sun Hee wrinkled her eyebrows, then she looked at the table that Cha Yoo pointed to.
It was Jonghun, Jong Hyun and Jo Kwon.
Jo Kwon saw Sun Hee looking at his table, so he waved and asked Sun Hee to come over.
"Look unnie, they're calling you ^^"
Sun Hee looked at Cha Yoo, "well, you don't have to give me that suspicious smile, you know.."
Sun Hee smiled and walked to the 3 guys' table.
"What will it be, boys?" asked Sun Hee while grabbing her small note from her apron.
"Sun Hee~ah, i heard you're having a double shift today?" asked Jong Hyun.
"Yea. Oh and please, don't talk about it. You're like th 6578th person who asked me about that today."
"6578th? puhahahahaha~" Jo Kwon burst out laughing.
Sun Hee just made an annoyed smile, and asked again, "are you here to eat or what?"
"No, we're not here to eat." said Jo Kwon.
Sun Hee made frown, "so?"
"We're here to see the princess Song that turned into a pathetic waitress, hahaha!"
Jong Hyun joked and laughed while giving a high five to Jo Kwon, while Jonghun just smiled and shook his head.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. enough making fun of me? now, your orders!"
"Oooh~ princess Song is acting cold todaaaaay~ i feel the freezing wind from the ice hearted princess! huhuuu~" Jo Kwon started joking around.
Jong Hyun gave Jo Kwon a high five again.
Sun Hee rolled her eyes. "Yea yea whatever.."
Sun Hee put her notes back in her apron and started to walk away. Jonghun just glared and followed her way with his eyes.
"Hhahahaha hahaha~ ha.. ha.. ha?? Jong Hyun look! you made her upset and walk away! dargh~ you beansprout!!" said Jo Kwon.
Jonghun smiled hearing Jo Kwon's words.
"what? ah~ damn.. i was just teasing her you know.." said Jong Hyun.
"Well, you shouldn't tease her when she's in a bad mood, you know" said Jonghun while taking off his glasses that he was wearing to read.
"aigoo~ what should i do know?" asked Jong Hyun, he looked at Jo Kwon.
"nan molla~" said Jo Kwon. then Jong Hyun looked at Jonghun.
Jonghun just smiled awkwardly and drowned himself into his book again.
"aissh~.." Jong Hyun brushed his own hair.
it was 11pm already and the 3ple J are still sitting at table number 12.
"Jonghunnie ! I'm sleepyyy~" whined Jo Kwon.
"What can i do? Look, Jong Hyun is still daydreaming.. or should i say nightdreaming? ah whatever~" said Jonghun.
Jo Kwon looked at Jong Hyun who was staring in emptiness all the time since Sun Hee left their table.
"Ya, Kim Jong Hyun!" snapped Jonghun.
"huh? what?"
"Look, our 'beloved magnae' is already sleepy. shouldn't we go home now?"
Jo Kwon was putting his face on the table and yawning,
"huaaahm~ yeah hyunnie let's go home T_T"
Jong Hyun took a deep breath.
"You guys can go first. I think i should have a word with Sun Hee."
"Oh you should do! look at her face when she went away. Okay then BYE HYUNNIE. Jonghunnie can i go home with you?" asked Jo Kwon.
"Come on. Oh and Jong Hyun, be nice ^^" said Jonghun.
Then both Jonghun and Jo Kwon left Jong Hyun alone at the table. The cafe was still crowded since it's open 24 hours.
"Jonghunnie, did you noticed Sun Hee's hair?" asked Jo Kwon while they both walked away from the cafe.
"Piggy tail? yeah. cute huh~?"
Jonghun and Jo Kwon just laughed and had a quick chat until they finally reached the car.
Jong Hyun waited for another 30 minutes until finally Sun Hee showed up from the locker, she was carrying her bag on her right shoulder, she waved goodbye to Cha Yoo, and was about to walk outdoors when she saw Jong Hyun. Then she stopped,
"Still here?" she asked with a tired face.
"Uh, Sun Hee, about the ice princess thing, uh.."
Sun Hee smiled weakly, "It's okay. I was just in a bad mood so i left your table. Sorry, too."
Jong Hyun took a fine glance at Sun Hee,
"by the way, your piggy tail looks.. good on you."
Sun Hee looked at Jong Hyun and touched her hair again, "ah~ thanks. haha.."
"You're going home?" asked Jong Hyun.
"Yeah.. mom already left me, as usual."
"need a ride? i can take you home with my bike." offered Jong Hyun.
"ah, no, gwenchana.. I'll take the bus. Jaejin already told me the route."
Jong Hyun nod his head, "very well. be careful then.."
Sun Hee smiled and bowed to Jong Hyun, then she walked to the bus station.
But before she could reach the bus station, she felt dizzy and she almost fainted and fell down, luckily Jong Hyun was just in time to run up and catch her.
"Sun Hee, are you.. gosh, your face is so pale!"
Sun Hee tried hard to stand up,
"Jong Hyun.." said Sun Hee while touching her forehead,
"Yea? are you okay?"
"I've changed my mind."
"What do you mean?", Jong Hyun was confused,
"My head aches really badly, can you.. can i have a ride home?"
Jong Hyun smiled, "of course, come on."
Jong Hyun helped Sun Hee carry her things while Sun Hee walked beside him and still getting rid of her headache.
As they both arrived at the Songs' residence, Jong Hyun parked his motorcycle near the entrance. He helped Sun Hee walk inside and he was about to find Mr. and Mrs. Song when suddenly..
"Young Lady Song.."
Sun Hee turned around, it was Mr. Lee, her private driver.
"Lady Song just left for the airport, i just came back from dropping her there. She was on her way to Japan, to catch up with Master and Young Master Song."
Sun Hee's sleepiness instantly went away,
"Japan? for what?"
"Yes. Young Master Song has a very important event there at Japan, an opening of a new branch of his company. The three of them are already boarding right now. Lady Song told me that i must tell you just until you get home. She also said that you must try to spend a week without your 3 other family members.."
"what?! a week?" Sun Hee almost freaked out,
"Yes, Ma'am. Uhm, and also, Lady Song said that you must not forget your shift at the noodle cafe, she is counting on you."
Sun Hee felt like crying. She was too tired to get angry.
"Oh ok. Thanks Mr. Lee, but promise you'll be there when i need you?"
"Yes Ma'am, I definitely will."
Sun Hee nod her head, then she introduced Jong Hyun to her maids, and Jong Hyun still helped her carry her things until she reached her room, her butler was following from behind.
Sun Hee went inside her room and changed clothes while Jong Hyun and Sun Hee's butler were waiting outside. Then when she was done, the butler was already carrying a glass of warm strawberry milk for Sun Hee and a pill of headache medicine.
after drinking her medicine, Sun Hee asked..
"it's 12pm already, how come you're still here?"
Jong Hyun just smiled and answered, "it's 12pm already, how come you're still up? you should go to sleep."
Jong Hyun told Sun Hee to lay down and he pulled the blanket over Sun Hee and tucked her in. He even pat Sun Hee's head that made Sun Hee trying to hide her blush.
"Oh look, you even haven't took off your piggy tail."
Sun Hee just smirked. "I can't sleep."
"Need a bedtime story?"
"No, that will make me stay up all night, hehe."
"a song?"
"you sing?" asked Sun Hee.
"Well, sort of.."
"Ok. sing." Sun Hee yawned.
Jong Hyun then started to sit properly. He took a few deep breaths and started singing.

"I want to tell you carefully
I want to be brave
Can I love you from today?
It's the first time
I don't want to lose this obvious feeling
I think love is going to come
I'll give you only good things
I don't know why but it's not strange
But my heart is fluttering
You took all of my heart
I endured a lot of goodbyes and a lot of tears
So it's a little late, but I think I finally met you
Can I love this person that's sitting in front of me?
I'll confess to you with my pounding heart.."
Jong Hyun looked at Sun Hee, she was already asleep. He smiled and was about to stand up when something made him stop.
His hands were being held by Sun Hee's hands.
To be continued..