Tabi asked again, "You're having a photoshoot here?"
"Oh no, but.. it's Jong Hyun who is modelling," answered Min Sun.
"Really? Whoa, cool, he desereves it ^^"
"What are you doing here?" asked Min Sun,
"actually I'm having a photoshoot to, but it's for my new serial drama, i play with Seung Ri too, he is around here somewhere.." answered Tabi while looking around.
Min Sun looked at Jong Hyun, he was still busy dealing with the crew,
"Tabi, do you have free time?" asked Min Sun.
"Well I'm actually on a break, that's why I was wondering around and I found you here,"
"Do you mind if we talk at another place?"
"How about the Starbucks next to this building?" asked Tabi,
"Uh, well I.."
"I'll treat you to drink ^^" said Tabi.
"Oh, okay, haha"
Min Sun left Jong Hyun and Ye Seul without them knowing,
she still carried Jong Hyun's stuff with her,
Tabi was carrying his laptop,
then they arrived at Starbucks Coffee, Min Sun ordered the same cold beverage that Tabi asked for, and Tabi then turned on his laptop, he knew that there was a hotspot there.
the people in the cafe noticed about Tabi, but they just stayed cool, coz it's obvious to see celebrities in this cafe, no wonder coz it's in front of a modelling agency.
Tabi and Min Sun's speech went like this :
Tabi : Did Seung Ri tell you about my brilliant idea?
MS : yeah, what is it? i haven't got a chance to ask him again since he visited Jong Hyun at the hospital..
Tabi : this is why I'm bringing my laptop, want to know what I'm going to do?
MS : what ? *confused*
Tabi : you see, there's a hotspot in here, and i have a webcam.
MS : so?
Tabi : you can't guess?
MS : grrh.. Tabi would you just tell me?
Tabi : hahaha, okay okay. I was planning to chat with your sister, using this webcam too.
Tabi : whoaa~ chill out girl, haha. yes I'm serious, hearing your stories about your wierd and interesting sister made me wanna know her, haha. do you mind?
MS : oh no, absolutely no, haha come on let's go online, sign in to my facebook and let's see if she is online...
Luckily, Min Sun's sister really is online,
Min Sun then asked her sister to put on her webcam, she freaked out when she saw Tabi on her screen, Min Sun explained all about it,
then Tabi and Min Sun's sister had an exciting conversation,
Min Sun just smiled really happy and thankful to Tabi,
suddenly her phone rang, it was Jong Hyun calling.

MS : annyeong?~
JH : please say you're not at home?
MS : haha, no I'm at Starbucks, the one next to the agency..
JH : why didn't you tell me you were going there?
MS : coz you were crowded by people... HEY ! how's the results??
JH : positive, i get to work as Ye Seul's model !
MS : really ? OMG, thank God, congrats bro!
JH : thanks, by the way stay there, I'll get you. my job here is done, we should go home it's getting late, Mom already started preparing dinner.
MS : ok, hey say byebye from me to Ye Seul ^^
JH : ok I will.
not longer, Jong Hyun arrived at Starbucks, he greeted Tabi and took Min Sun home,
Min Sun said thank you to Tabi for the treat, and for willing to talk to her sister,
Tabi thanked Min Sun back for her willing to company him to Starbucks,
then Min Sun said goodbye,
while walking to the exit door, Min Sun kinda felt envious of Jong Hyun,
she wanted to get her own job too, it doesn't have to be related to Jong Hyun's job,
but she wanted to make money herself,
when she got out from Starbucks, she saw a sign on the window,
it says that Starbucks need a few waiters/waitresses,
Min Sun stopped for a while,
Jong Hyun realozed and he asked "Minnie, something wrong?"
"No, no.. come on let's get home" said Min Sun,
deep in her heart, she was willing to come back to that cafe,
maybe tomorrow...
the next day, Jong Hyun dropped Min Sun to her college, while he rode himself to his own campus,
they both finished college on 2 pm, Jong Hyun was waiting for Min Sun at the gate,
Min Sun came not long after Jong Hyun arrived, then she asked,
"do you have a photoshoot today?"
"yep. if you don't wanna come, I'll drive you home and then I'll go to the agency myself,"
"No I wanna come, but I'll wait for you at Starbucks, okay?"
"Starbucks? alone?" asked Jong Hyun,
"Yea it's okay, i'll bring my laptop in case i get bored" said Min Sun
they both agreed, then Min Sun hop on Jong Hyun's bike,
then they left for the agency..
as they arrived, Jong Hyun parked his bike, Min Sun hop off and went straight to Starbucks,
"I'll call you when I'm done." said Jong Hyun
Min Sun raised her thumb up, saying ok, then she walked into the cafe.
she went to the cashier, and asked if there's a free employment here,
the sweet girl at the cashier said that Min Sun could check upstairs to the Manager's room,
Min Sun thanked the girl, then she went upstairs,
she knocked on the manager's room door, the guy inside said come in,
Min Sun thought that the voice of the manager sounds really young,
she was wondering the age of the manager,
when she come in, she didn't get a chance to see the manager's face, coz she bent her head down as she closed the door behind her,
when she was about to turn back, the manager greeted her earlier before she could say a word,
"Min Sun?" said the guy.
Min Sun lift her head up, then she was amazed by the guy in front of her,
"Oh My God, Kibum ! Uh, I mean, Mr. Kim. Hehe~" said Min Sun
the manager was obviously Kim Kibum, one of Jong Hyun's friend who came to visit Jong Hyun while he was hospitalized,
"Whoa Min Sun, just call me Key. uh, in front of the other employees just call me Mr. Key, haha" said Key.
"So.. Key? you're Starbucks manager, here?" asked Min Sun
"Haha yea, actually my dad just promoted me to his chair here, two days ago. So now I'm running starbucks here." explained Key.
"Whoa i still can't believe it, haha." said Min Sun.
"So i guess you're here for a job proposal?"
"Haha yea, here are my sertificates from my college, i have 2 days free in a week and I'm looking forward to get a job here." said Min Sun
"Why are you interested in being a waitress here?" Key started an interview with Min Sun.
"Coz i love Starbucks, i love the smell of brewed coffee everytime i enter this place. also i want to earn my own money by working my own job, lastly this place is next to Jong Hyun's agency so i can get home with him. Haha~" Min Sun answered confidently.
"Jong Hyun's.. agency? you mean he works as a model now?" asked Key.
"Yea, he just got his job yesterday ^^"
"Wow, how lucky.. haha say congratz from me to him, ok?"
"Oh, absolutely."
"Next question, do you mind working here just being a waitress?"
"I don't mind the job i get here, whether it's a waitress, bartender, or dishwasher, i don't mind. as long as i can earn my own money, just as i said ^^" said Min Sun.
Key looked at Min Sun seriously, Min Sun felt confused,
seconds later Key smiled and said,
"Okay, seeing and hearing your reasons to work here, i accept your employment here, as a waitress, you may start working.. tomorrow !" said Key cheerfully, he doesn't even look like a manager.
"Really? that fast? i mean, there is no audition like a test bringing a cup of coffee or..?" asked Min Sun,
"No actually you don't have to. I put on the sign of an empty employment from about a week ago, and there's no one proposing except you, so instead of waiting for other people to get this job, i think it's better if i give the job to you." answered Key.
"My Gosh, thank you Keyyyy~ ! i mean, Mr. Key ^^" said Min Sun
"You're welcome, oh and please say hello from me to Jong Hyun" said Key.
Min Sun thanked Key once again and went out of the room,
she went downstairs, and ordered another cold beverage, and sit down near the window while being online on her laptop.
two hours went by, Min Sun started to feel bored.
she was about to leave the cafe, she packed her laptop, finished her drink, and then walked to the exit door,
as she walked to the agency to find Jong Hyun, her steps stopped when she saw two persons chatting cheerfully at the lobby..
To be continued...
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