"uuh, yea.. i was planning to take you to the amusement park, you've haven't been there since you got here in Seoul, right?" Jong Hyun asked back.
"well, you're right, it's all coz of those assignments, i can't even talk hangul with people fluently until now!",
said Min Sun..
"So.. would you go with me this Saturday?" Jong Hyun asked once again.
Min Sun kept silent and was thinking hard.
"OMG! your mom and dad are still at the front door, I'll go get them, hahaha. You stay in your bed, okay Jong Hyun?"
Jong Hyun nodded and Min Sun left his room, quickly rushing to the front door.
Jong Hyun was thinking, would Min Sun accept his date?
meanwhile, Min Sun opened the door for Mr. and Mrs. Kim,
she apologized coz she made them wait so long,
Mrs. Kim then asked Min Sun to help her prepare dinner, she wanted to make lettuce wraps,
Min Sun agreed then they both went to the kitchen,
Mr. Kim went straight to his room, he seems so tired coz of wandering with his beloved wife ^^
while Mrs. Kim was cleaning the kitchen counter, Min Sun started to chop some onions,
Jong Hyun quietly left his room and went to the kitchen,
Min Sun was aware that somebody was coming, she stopped chopping and lift her head up
she saw Jong Hyun standing there,
he moved his head and made a face as if he was asking for an answer,
Min Sun just smiled and shook her head, then she made a sign by moving her hand which was holding a knife, trying to tell Jong Hyun to go away and talk about it later,
Jong Hyun just exhaled then left the kitchen,
Min Sun smiled and started chopping again.
it's dinnertime ! ^^
everyone was already at the table, except Min Sun,
she was busy preparing the food and carrying it to the table,
Mr. Kim sat at the "King" seat,
Mrs. Kim was on his right, then Min Sun sat beside her,
Jong Hyun was on his daddy's left,
Lee Jae suddenly came home, she said hi to everyone and joined in, she sat beside Jong Hyun.
everyone started eating,
Mr. Kim praised Min Sun for the delicious food, she said thank you and she also said that she was only helping Mrs. Kim,
they had quite a long chit chat, until it was desert,
Min Sun took out 4 little cups of ice cream from the freezer,
while she was walking back to the table, Mrs. Kim said something to her..
"Min Sun, would you like to accompany me to the beauty saloon this Saturday?"
Lee Jae cried something in jealousy, but then she realized that she has to go to a lesson every Saturday, everyone laughed..
"Saturday, auntie?" asked Min Sun, she then looked at Jong Hyun.
Jong Hyun looked back and kinda look like he was hoping for something,
"yes, Min Sun.." Mrs. Kim answered, "why, do u have any events?"
"well.. actually..." Min Sun stopped a moment to eat her ice cream, "i'm going to go to the amusement park this Saturday ^^"
Min Sun then smiled at all of them,
Jong Hyun put his ice cream cup down and looked at Min Sun in confuse-ness,
"Oh really?" asked Mrs. Kim, "with whom are you going with?"
Min Sun finished her ice cream quickly then answered,
"with your son."
Jong Hyun suddenly choked his ice cream,
Min Sun made a little giggle then she asked if he was okay,
Jong Hyun drank a sip of water then continued..
"Wow, is that true?" suddenly Lee Jae hopped on to the conversation, "aaah i know, Mom! brother is asking Min Sun for a date! kyaa~", Lee Jae shrieked happily and hit her brothers shoulder a few times,
the whole family then started laughing and teasing Jong Hyun,
Jong Hyun could only smile a little and just blush,
Min Sun thought that his face was funny so she laughed at him, but then she asked Mrs. Kim..
"is it okay, auntie? I'm sorry i can't accompany you to the saloon.."
Mrs. Kim said, "ooh it's okay, darling. Just have fun there with my son, haha. I think I'll wait for Lee Jae to finish her lesson, then go to the saloon there with her."
"Yaaaay!" Lee Jae shouted happily,
"Ok then, we're all done, auntie and I are going to our room ya, Min Sun? Lee Jae, help Min Sun do the dishes.. Jong Hyun, help the girls clean the table.." said Mr. Kim.
they all nod and then everyone started to raise from their chairs.
Lee Jae had a homework to do so she just helped Min Sun a liitle, then she went to her room,
Min Sun was doing the dishes when Jong Hyun approached her,
"So, i guess that was a yes?" asked Jong Hyun, a bit shy.
Min Sun answered while doing the dishes, "what do you think?"
Jong Hyun just smiled then said, "Thanks ^^"
Min Sun nod, then asked "why are you suddenly being nice? i thought you were always cranky, hahaha"
Jong Hyun made a frown, "me? being nice? I'm always nice.."
"whoaa so you're being over confident now, huh?"
"I'm always confident, Min Sunnie.."
"what? Min Sunnie?" Min Sun asked but her new name from Jong Hyun,
"don't like it? how about Minnie?" Jong Hyun asked again but then he laughed,
Min Sun kinda don't like her name, she felt that Jong Hyun was teasing her,
she then watered her hands and sprayed them to Jong Hyun,
Jong Hyun who was laughing suddenly stopped, then it was Min Sun who was laughing,
Jong Hyun also stained Min Sun with water,
Min Sun did the same,
instead of doing the dishes, they then had a water fight for hours.. ^^
it's Saturday!
Jong Hyun was the first one to wake up, it was 5.45 am
he went to Min Sun's room and knocked on her door.
there was no answer,
he knocked again and asked, "Minnie, are u awake?"
it took a few seconds for Min Sun to get the door,
she opened it, and she was still wearing her mukena,
"Oh.. I'm sorry, were you praying?" asked Jong Hyun, he already knew that Min Sun has to pray 5 times a day, coz when Min Sun arrived at their house, she asked which way's west and she said she has to pray 5 times a day coz that what moslems do, then the whole family understood her if she doesn't answer anybody's call - that means she is praying.
"it's okay i just finished," she took of her mukena, then she asked,
"why are u already up? u usually get up at 8 or 9 am, anything wrong?"
Jong Hyun answered, "no, i was just about to remind you about.."
"our.. date?" asked Min Sun
"hehe, yeah.." Jong Hyun scratch his head, acting shy-ly.
Min Sun smiled, "don't worry, i remember ^^. what time are we going to go?"
Jong Hyun kept silent for a while, then he said at 9 am.
Min Sun agreed then she asked for time to get a sleep again,
Jong Hyun said ok, then he went back to his room,
he was so excited that he mimic the word "YESS" and started dancing REPLAY moves,
meanwhile Min Sun just shook her head while smiling, then tried to have a quick sleep.

it's 9 am already,
Jong Hyun prepared his motorcycle, his big black one,
he wore a black T shirt and a light brown jacket, and a pair of jeans,
he wore his favorite casual shoes,
Min Sun said goodbye to the family, Lee Jae said good luck and winked to her, Min Sun just smiled,
she wore the same outfit like Jong Hyun, plus a black donnatello jilbab,
Jong Hyun gave the outfit to her when she woke up from her short sleep,
he asked Min Sun to wear it so that he could find her if she's lost,
Min Sun laughed and thought that it wasn't the real reason for her to wear it, she was sure he wanted to look like a couple with Min Sun.
Jong Hyun gave a helmet to Min Sun,
then Jong Hyun hopped on to the motor,
Min Sun hopped second,
Jong Hyun told Min Sun to hold him when they ride, but Min Sun refused, she said it's okay, she could hold on herself as long as Jong Hyun keeps the speed low.
Jong Hyun understands her coz he also know that he wasn't Min Sun's "muhrim",
he knows almost everything about Islam, thanks to Min Sun, she always explain this and that to Jong Hyun whenever he askes about something..
they arrived at the amusement park at 10 am,
Jong Hyun kept the speed low, just like what Min Sun told him too.
"So, what are we going to ride first?" asked Min Sun after Jong Hyun bought them tickets,
"Well, let's start with something slow.." Jong Hyun walked in front of Min Sun,
Min Sun was a little confused but then she followed Jong Hyun,
Jong Hyun led both of them to many exciting rides, from slow to fast,
from calm to terrifying, Min Sun was almost exhausted,
they took a rest for a while, it was 12.30 pm and they haven't had lunch..
"don't you have to pray, Min Sun?" asked Jong Hyun,
"yea i have to, do u think there's a place where i can pray?" Min Sun asked back,
"Hmm, i remember there's a changing room near the restrooms.. Come, I'll take you there."
Jong Hyun once again led Min Sun, he took her to a changing room beside the ladies restroom,
then he waited patiently for her outside.
it only took 5 minutes for Min Sun to do her praying, then Jong Hyun said he need to go to the restroom, "I need to go to the restroom, wait for me here, or if you wanna look around, keep your handphone standby, okay Minnie?"
"yessir ^^" answered Min Sun.
Min Sun was so excited that she really want to look around, she actually wanted to wait for Jong Hyun, but it kinda took a long time so she then start walking around.
she stopped in front of the amusement park map, she was listing the rides that she haven't took with Jong Hyun.. when somebody greeted her..
"Excuse me, Miss Girl.."
To be continued..
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