"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ that should be fun!!" shouted Min Sun,
Ha Neul just smiled and gave a code to Min Sun to tell Jong Hyun to accept it,
Min Sun then hit Jong Hyun's shoulder with hers, then she rised her eyebrows and smiled,
then Jong Hyun said
"Oh, ok how about talking inside?"
Min Sun then led her two besties inside the house, then she went to the kitchen with Ha Neul to prepare breakfast,
Jong Hyun sat with Ye Seul in the living room, their conversation went like this :
YS : so, are you interested joining our agency?
JH : well.. since when Minho joined the agency?
YS : about three months, he is still new but his talent is amazing. seems like he has a flaming charisma. back to you, I'm really looking for another model, do you like hiphop?
JH : yes, why are you asking about hiphop?
YS : coz each model in our agency have a nickname according to their personalities or the things they like.
JH : oh, i see.. well yeah i like hiphop, and those bling bling styles..
YS : Bling bling ! great, that could be your nickname..
JH : but i haven't agreed to join your agency?
Suddenly Min Sun and Ha Neul came to them bringing two full plates of scrambled eggs and sausages, then Min Sun said
"Udah, Ye Seul! Gak usah lo tanyain lagi dia, gue restuin dia jadi model, udah langsung lo rekrut aja!"
Jong Hyun made a confused face, "What are you saying?"
Ha Neul answered, "She told Ye Seul to stop asking you about joining her agency, coz Min Sun already gave you permission to join it."
Jong Hyun stood up and looked at Min Sun, "Really, Minnie?"
Ha Neul and Ye Seul both shouted, "What? MINNIE?"
the living room went wild, Ha Neul and Ye Seul started teasing Min Sun coz of that "Minnie" name Jong Hyun gave to her,
Min Sun cried shut up, then she said to Jong Hyun
"You want to join it, don't you? go ahead, I'm sure you'd do great ^^"
Jong Hyun smiled and grabbed both Min Sun's hands,
"Wa~ thank you, Minnie"
Ye Seul then spoke, "ok enough of the drama scene, Bling Bling Jong Hyun, thank you for joining our agency. can we all eat now?"
they all laughed and started eating Ha Neul's and Min Sun's homemade breakfast.
It's Monday already,
Min Sun was at her college, doing stuffs, going here and there,
until it was 2 pm and she has done her college,
her phone rang, it was Jong Hyun calling, she then picked it up,
MS : annyeong?
JH : Minnie is your college over?
MS : yes i just finished my tutorial, why? you wanna pick me up? hehe ^^
JH : well, yes actually. but would you company me to Ye Seul's agency?
MS : what? you have a photoshoot?
JH : yea, Ye Seul said it's kinda like a debut for me. Ok I'll pick you up now..
MS : wait wait, how bout your own college?
JH : i don't have any today.
MS : okay.. call me again when you're near. bye~
JH : bye, Minnie~
Min Sun didn't wait for a long time, Jong Hyun already know that she hates waiting,
so he rode his motorcycle in full speed, and in 15 minutes, he arrived at Min Sun's college,
Min Sun found Jong Hyun waiting near the university's gate,
she rushed to him and asked, "You already know where's the agency?"
"Yea, it's quite famous and i know the road there.. here wear it"
Jong Hyun gave a helmet and his leather jacket to Min Sun,
"What's with the jacket?" asked Min Sun,
"You're not wearing any." said Jong Hyun, in a cool way.
Min Sun just smiled and put both the jacket and helmet on,
she hopped on Jong Hyun's bike, then off they go, on the way to the agency.
"You sure this is the place?" asked Min Sun,
Jong Hyun just walked confidently into the building.
it was big, elegant, mostly covered with glass and white,
they both went to the information desk, but as they were about to ask, someone called..
"Min Sun, Jong Hyun ! whoa you guys are here !"
it was Ye Seul, she herself just arrived and found her buddies already at the lobby,
Min Sun said she was there to accompany Jong Hyun, Ye Seul just smiled,
then, Ye Seul led them to the 18th floor, and they went to this large room, then she said
"Jong Hyun, there's a wardrobe full of clothes right over there, you can pick the outfits you wan to use, remember, the more fashionable it is, the more bigger chance you have to get to work as a model in this agency,"
Jong Hyun just nod and looked around,
"Oh ya Min Sun," said Ye Seul, "you can help him mix and match the clothes."
Min Sun said thanks to her best friend, then Ye Seul left them in the room while she was about to prepare her camera for the photoshoot.
meanwhile, Min Sun got busy herself browsing cool clothes in the large wardrobe while Jong Hyun was looking around amazed by the large white room,
"Does this one fits you well, Jong Hyun?" asked Min Sun
Jong Hyun looked at the shirt that Min Sun was holding, "Let me try it,"
since Jong Hyun tried the first shirt that Min Sun picked,
they both got busy and excited, trying to mix and match the clothes that they pick,
it took 10 minutes for them to get the suitable outfit for Jong Hyun,
Min Sun helped him to style his hair, and gave a little make up..
when Jong Hyun was all make over-ed, he looked at himself at the mirror
"Whoa Minnie, you sure have a sense of style ^^"
Min Sun gave her face a proud smile,
then Ye Seul called them to the photoshoot room,
and of course, Jong Hyun's photoshoot debut begins...
he did well, in fact, extremely well,
the clothes that Min Sun picked for him were simple, but outstanding,
Ye Seul herself was amazed by Min Sun's sense of style, she was actually fashionable.
the photos came out well,
Jong Hyun wore 3 kinds of outfits,
and it was all cool-looking,
Ye Seul and the crew were satisfied by Jong Hyun's photoshoot,
while the crew were all surrounding Jong Hyun to congratulate him,
Min Sun was standing near the door, holding Jong Hyun's stuff (jacket, bag.. etc)
when somebody came near the door and greeted her,
"Min Sun? are you doing a photoshoot here?"
To be continued...
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