and it actually made him open his eyes..
Min Sun's speech with Seung Ri continued :
MS : how di you get my number?
SR : Hye Gyo, as usual. she knows everything, haha~. So, are you free tonight?
MS : Why are you asking?
SR : Coz.. i was planning to play to your house again with Tabi. Tabi had this brilliant idea that he wants to show you. ^^
Min Sun turned herself and looked at Jong Hyun,
Jong Hyun quickly shut his eyes again, hoping that Min Sun doesn't know that he is actually awake.
Then Min Sun turned again and continued speaking..
Jong Hyun tried to take the earphones off his ears, so he could listen to Min Sun's speech with Seung Ri,
the room was very silent so even Min Sun didn't loudspeaker her handphone, Jong Hyun could still hear Seung Ri..
MS : Sorry, Seung Ri.. I'm at the hospital now..
SR : You what? Who's sick, are you okay? *sounds panic*
MS : No, no it's not me, it's Jong Hyun. Remember when you guys came to our house? and he was missing? he was actually at my room and now he is hospitalized due to dengue fever..
SR : .......
MS : Seung Ri u still there?
SR : Oh yes, sorry. Min Sun, mianhae. I didn't know that Jong Hyun was..
MS : It's okay, i understand.
SR : Okay.. so.. i guess I'll leave you there with him. Take care ok. If i have time I'll go visit him too.
MS : Absolutely, thank you Seung Ri ^^. And when you come here don't forget to tell me Tabi's brilliant idea you were talking about.
SR : Ok I will ^^. Bye Min Sun.
Min Sun shut her phone. She continued packing her stuff into her bag, the Jong Hyun asked
"Are you leaving?"
Min Sun was shocked and dropped her handphone, luckily to the sofa.
Jong Hyun then said "Minnie, sorry i didn't know you'd be shocked like that.."
"No it's o
Jong Hyun asked again, "Are you leaving?"
Min Sun smiled and said, "No I'm just packing so that tomorrow I'll be ready to go.."
"So you're sleeping over? Tomorrow.. where are you going?"
Min Sun explained that tomorrow she has to get ready for an exam at college, so tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Kim will accompany him,
"But i don't want to be here any longer.." said Jong Hyun "...without you" he continued in his heart.
"Let the doctor check you up before you decide to go home, okay Jong Hyun?"
Jong Hyun nod and obeyed Min Sun.
Min Sun asked if Jong Hyun was hungry or not, Jong Hyun said yes and Min Sun then went out to get the nurse (to serve Jong Hyun food) while she looks for dinner herself.
While Min Sun walked away from Jong Hyun's room, she passed the receptionist's counter..
from the counter there was this young lady calling Min Sun's real name, but in doubt,
"Arina..?" asked the young lady.
Min Sun stopped, and saw who was looking at her.
"Oh my God.. Nadh !"
Min Sun rushed to the counter, the young lady stand up from her seat and walked to Min Sun.
"Nadhiraaaah~ ^^" cried Min Sun.
So, the young lady was actually Min Sun's facebook friend when she was at highschool.
They haven't met eachother, so that's why the young lady called Min Sun's name but in doubt.
"How are you?" they both asked at the same time.
the two ladies just laughed and hugged eachother, then Min Sun asked
"How did you end up being a receptionist here?"
"No wait wait i wanna tell you something.." the young lady said.
"What is it?" asked Min Sun
"Do you have a korean name?"
"Of course, it's Min Sun. Haha~ Kim Min Sun."
"Kim? Whoa same as me, you can call me Ha Neul from now on.." said the young lady.
"Ha Neul? Kim Ha Neul? OMO.. Hahahaha~" Min Sun laughed and the two ladies hugged eachother again,
Then Ha Neul explained the whole thing, from her college back at their hometown, until she ends up working here at the hospital, she said it's fun to meet lots of cute korean guys.
Min Sun almost forget that she was actually looking for dinner,
Ha Neul was about to take a break to when she saw Min Sun, so they decided to go to the canteen together..
meanwhile Jong Hyun was already served a meal by the nurse, but he didn't want to eat except if Min Sun came back.
It spent almost an hour for Min Sun and Ha Neul to finish their dinner,
Ha Neul also mentioned that Dian, both Min Sun's and Ha Neul's best friend, is taking college here in Korea too. Ha Neul said that people call her Ye Seul.
Min Sun found out that the name was kinda funny coz Ha Neul and Ye Seul sounds like a pair of twins,
Min Sun organized a date for the three girls to meet up with each other again,
then Ha Neul asked,
"Hey i almost forgot, why are you here in the hospital, anyway?"
Min Sun then told Ha Neul about the Kim's, about herself meeting Seung Ri and becoming freqeuntly close, and then about Jong Hyun.
Ha Neul freaked out when Min Sun mentioned Seung Ri, she really can't believe that Min Sun actually met and even now still in contact with him,
then Min Sun asked for time to get back to Jong Hyun's room, checking if he already ate dinner or not,
Ha Neul said byebye to Min Sun and asked for her number so that they could keep in touch.
Min Sun then wave her hands to Ha Neul, and walked back to Jong Hyun's room.
Min Sun opened the door and closed it back again while saying
"Jong Hyun, did i left you too long? Sorry sorry, i met a friend of mine and we kinda had a chit chat, and...."
Min Sun stopped speaking when she saw that Jong Hyun wasn't on his bed.
His dinner was still un-eaten.
Min Sun stared at Jong Hyun's bed. Where is he?
To be continued...
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