the girl was nearly as tall as Jong Hyun, had curly black hair, and a somehow cute face.
Min Sun continued her steps,
Jong Hyun saw Min Sun coming and then stopped his conversation with the curly girl,
"Ah Minnie, I was just about to pick you up from Starbucks.." said Jong Hyun
"You don't have to.." said Min Sun, but staring at the curly girl from top to bottom..
Jong Hyun realized that Min Sun was looking at the girl, then he smiled and said,
"Minnie, this is Min Hyo Rin, a partner of my photoshoot, seems like I'll be having a few more photoshoots with her and Minho too.."
Min Sun made a "Oh.." mouth but no voice coming out..
Hyo Rin then lend her hand out to Min Sun, and said "Annyeong, Hyo Rin imnida"
Min Sun smiled (at her face but not in her heart), "Hey ya..I'm Min Sun"
Hyo Rin then looked back at Jong Hyun and asked while pointing to Min Sun, "your girlfriend?"
Jong Hyun seems like he had misbehaved you know, like being clumsy and he looked at Min Sun, he was about to open his mouth and explain, but Min Sun snatched his speech away and said
"Oh, haha. No, we're like siblings. I'm actually staying at his house.. coz I have a scholarship for going to college here..". Min Sun smiled and didn't look at Jong Hyun at all.
Jong Hyun, whose mouth was half opened, then shut his mouth again. actually he was somewhat unhappy when Min Sun said the "sibling" word. But when Hyo Rin smiled and looked at Jong Hyun, he just nodded his head and smiled back.
"Oh really? wow a scholarship.. you're so lucky.. good luck with your college, Min Sun.. Hey i have another photoshoot in a few minutes so i guess i have to go, see you guys later ^^"
Hyo Rin walked and waved goodbye,
Min Sun and Jong Hyun waved back.. then Jong Hyun said
"Shall we?"
"What?" asked Min Sun..
"Ehm.. go home." said Jong Hyun, confused.
"Oh okay.. let's.."
Min Sun's thoughts were still messy after meeting this Hyo Rin, she doesn't know why that when she saw Hyo Rin talking to Jong Hyun, she felt unpleasant.
So, off they go on Jong Hyun's motorcycle, riding home for dinner.
at home, when the Kim's plus Min Sun were having dinner,
Mr. Kim asked about Jong Hyun's job, and Jong Hyun told the whole family about it really happily,
"It was so cool, i just picked a few set of clothes with Min Sun and SNAP SNAP SNAP! Ye Seul took a few pictures of me and the results turned out really satisfying! the crew were amazed with my photos and style, thanks to Min Sun *looked at Min Sun and smiled*. and then today i have a photoshoot with this top model, Min Hyo Rin!"
Min Sun choked on her salmon encroute,
Mrs. Kim then gave her a glass of water and asked "Oh darling, are you okay?"
Min Sun just nodded and gave a "ok" sign with her hand,
"Gamsahamnida, auntie~" said Min Sun..
then Jong Hyun asked "Min Sun, is anything wrong?"
Min Sun rolled her eyes,
"No, nothing. Go on with your story" said Min Sun, sarcasticly..
Jong Hyun was a bit confused, and then he continued,
"Yea about this Hyo Rin, Ye Seul said i have to do a few more photoshoots with her, i think it's for the ELLE magazine, so tomorrow i have to go to the agency again, is it okay, Mom, Dad?"
Mrs. Kim answered, "It's okay, my dear. As long as you contact us when are you going to arrive home, and remember not too go home too late."
Jong Hyun smiled and bowed a bit, "Gamsahamnida~"
"Can i come?" asked Min Sun
"You wanna see my photoshoot?" asked Jong Hyun back, excited.
"Uh.. actually i wanna go to Starbucks again.."
"Oh.. you're addicted to the coffee or the free hotspot?" asked Jong Hyun, a bit disappointed
"Haha~ both. It's okay if i come, right?"
"Of course, it's nice to have company" said Jong Hyun
Lee Jae was too busy on her food to mingle into the conversation, she just enjoyed the salmon so much,
then they all continued dinner together.
the next day in the afternoon, Min Sun was waiting in front of her university main gate,
she took a glare at her wristwatch, then walked here and there, stopped and looked at her watch again, then walked again..
until a sound of a heavy motorcycle came near,
Jong Hyun opened his helmet and gave Min Sun another one,
"what took you so long?" asked Min Sun, she was afraid she was late for her first day at Starbucks,
"ah sorry i was having trouble finding my handphone which was actually already in my bag, hahaha" answered Jong Hyun
"Clumsy.." said Min Sun while tapping Jong Hyun's head, and then she hopped on and put on her helmet.
when they arrived at the agency, Min Sun said she was on a hurry to catch her sister online, so she wanted to get to Starbucks as soon as possible,
Jong Hyun said okay, and just glared at Min Sun rushing to Starbucks, he rised his eyebrow, signing a confused face, then he entered the agency..
"Excuse me," Min Sun rushed to the cashier, "I'm here for my first day at work, where should i go to report?"
the cashier told Min Sun to go straight to the manager's office to get the uniforms,
Min Sun then rushed to Key's room,
when she arrived, she apologized for her coming late, then Key said
"Ahaha it's okay Min Sun, here are the uniforms, it's all in black. Ohya the shirts are shortsleeved so i hope you bring your own longsleeved for the inside, and i suggest you wear a black headcover to match the uniform.."
Min Sun smiled and looked amazed while staring at the uniforms,
"Wow, so cool! Gamsahamnida, Mr. Key ^^"
Min Sun went to the restrooms to change, then she was ready for her job,
she went to a counter near the cashier, Key went down to gave her a quick tutorial about the place,
when Min Sun understood all about tha cafe, Key asked for permission to get back to his room, then Min Sun continued on her work..
meanwhile, in the agency,
Jong Hyun was surrounded by a few make up artists, so as Hyo Rin,
they were both being prepared for the ELLE photoshoot,
Ye Seul was giving commands to the stylists, which outfits should they wear, and so on,
when they were ready, the photoshoot began,
Jong Hyun looked really cool, he looked so different in the photo than in real life,
the photoshoot went well and Jong Hyun was pleased with the photo results..
he wanted to show the picture to Min Sun when they get home.

Min Sun was carrying a tray with two ice blended caffe latte on it,
the cafe was quite crowded and Min Sun had a hard time walking through the full tables,
when she was about to reach the table that ordered the two drinks she carried,
she almost tripped on the floor when luckily somebody wearing sunglasses and working on his laptop stood up and held both Min Sun's arms from behind,
"Gosh, are you okay, Miss?" asked the guy.
To be continued...