How on earth did I end up walking in the streets like this?
I'm filthy, I'm tired, I'm hungry. I'm.. pathetic, ahuhu.
I keep moving my paws on the.. wait.. PAWS??
I took a quick look on my both "hands", but now, I can't find fingers.. just.. PAWS !
What the ?
I kept walking till I reached a big store with a huge mirror in front of it. I saw my reflection. and it was HIDEOUS !
Look at me ! I have four legs, I have fur, I have floppy ears, I have.. again, PAWS ! PAWS !
Argh~ there's no way that I.. I.. have been cursed to be a beagle??
- Na Young's POV -
"Dad, come on.. Can I have a dog? Pleaseeeeee?"
I kept whining to my dad about me having a new pet. Since my cat died, I didn't have the guts to pet another cat. But my dad won't let me buy new pets unless it's a cat.
"Dad, just a small dog. A Siberian Husky puppy perhaps?"
Dad looked up to me.
"Siberian Husky? Yeah right. They are small when they're still a puppy! But when they grow?"
I made a puppy face. And hoped that my dad would notice. But he kept touching buttons here and there and he even wore on his humongous headphone and started composing songs.
"I want a doooooooooooooooog~~"
"Hold on I'll get you one."
Dad took off his headphone and walked outside the studio. Then he came back pulling something.
"Here. Satisfied?"
I looked at the 'thing' that dad pulled, and It was Junsu oppa! Poor oppa, he looked innocent and had no idea why he was dragged all over the place and suddenly being called as a dog.
"Daaaaad~ Junsu oppa isn't a dog!"
"What's the difference? He looks just like a dog, look at his face."
I looked at Junsu oppa, he smiled awkwardly and mouthed what's-going-on?
I just rolled my eyes and went out of the studio.
Huh. What's so bad about taking care of a dog? And what I want is a puppy. I don't want any other pets.
I moved my legs to nowhere. I kept on walking along the streets until I found something lying there.
Something fluffy, small and cuddly.
"Is that a beagle?"
Hey all~ ! ^^ *waves*
Yea yea i know, even my "Days With 3ple J" story isn't finished,
but ideas and imaginations kept coming up, all wanting to be written so..
i made this story ^^
basically, it's about a beagle (ha ha you can tell from the title, right?)
Well, the lead female is Park Na Young.
There will be FT Island's Song Seung Hyun and Choi Jong Hoon here,
and for additional players, I haven't thought of any,
maybe I will put some 2oneday members in some episodes. ^^
and i apologize to you girls, if SHINee is what you're expecting,
there are no SHINee members here. Chesonghamnida :(
If you read "A Future Story", you can tell that the lead female is close to YG Entertainment.
Now in this story, the lead female knows JYP Entertainment very well.
I hope you still look forward in reading this new series..
Please confirm by commenting on this note if you want to be tagged for the next chapters~
and for whom that i tag but doesn't want to be tagged, it's okay just let me know.
Okay, i think that's all from the author.
I hope you all enjoy the story, and don't forget that dw3J is still running the plots XD
Byebye~~ <3
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