Friday, 3 April 2009

23 wants before i'm 23 (or until i'm 23)

post ini terinspirasi dari punyanya wan bang,
tapi wan bang cuma ada 16 gitu wantsnya, gue nambahin jadi 23..
here they are :

1. Have a pink Nintendo DS Lite

2. Have a pink Sony vaio

3. have a silver VW Beetle (and drive it by myself)

4. have one of big bang's shoes (i want the left one.. i think it's Seung Ri's, haha)

5. be modest

6. graduate from SMAN 70 (with a cum laude score)

7. get into FIB UI english literature (pmdk of course.)

8. able to ride a silver Fulsar by myself

9. try modelling (yea rite like that would happen)

10. live at Brisbane again at least for 6 months

11. go to Seoul

12. MEET BIG BANG and collaborate with them , LOL

13. go on a date with Seung Ri (coz i know it's impossible to marry him, rofl)

14. go on a date with Tabi (same reason as Seung Ri, ^^)

15. improve my singing skills (whoa i can sing = 0)

16. play the sims 3

17. go to Japan

18. see snow

19. meet Dean Fujioka

20. have fun at Disneyland Tokyo

21. further study in Malaysia

22. meet him

23. have a delightful marriage with him ^^ (this "him" refers to either SpongeBOB, Seung Ri, Tabi or.. Dean Fujioka? haha)

amiiin, hopefully all these wishes will come true ^^


Anonymous said...

jangan, date ama tabi nya dibatalin
ganti ama
have a double date with seung ri, tabi AND your sister


pisaang said...

jaahh ~ jjongie terlupakan HAHAHAH ~