Seung Ri concentrated driving, but he still answered Min Sun's question,
"Where do you wanna go?"
Min Sun made a blow face. "Heeey~ i asked first, why did you ask back?"
Seung Ri smiled, "Well, i asked you out to take you somewhere you wanna go."
Min Sun took a few seconds to decide.
"Ah~ Zoo !"
Seung Ri looked at Min Sun, he smiled, then he turned his car to the right at the traffic light's corner.
and the stalker guy? following behind with his bike.
when Min Sun and Seung Ri arrived at the zoo, Min Sun instantly went out of the car and bought the tickets at the locket,
"Here, two tickets!" said Min Sun, smiling while walking towards Seung Ri who just parked the car.
"Wow, you move fast. Come on let's go in."
Seung Ri wore sunglasses and a cap so people wont recognize him, and Min Sun wore casual clothes to suit him.
They went inside and walked around the various cages, Seung Ri took a photo of Min Sun beside the grizzly bear's cage with his digicam, and Min Sun took a picture of Seung Ri beside the dolphin aquarium.
Unfortunately, time went by so quickly, and it was lunch time already.
"Min Sun, are you hungry yet?" asked Seung Ri.
Min Sun held her stomach, she could feel it rumbling.
"Ahaha, yea."
"Come on let's find something to eat.."
Seung Ri walked beside Min Sun and held her shoulder signing to start walk,
and at that very time, someone wearing black took a picture of them. the stalker had took various pictures of Min Sun and Seung Ri, with the positions as if they were couples.
the stalker walked towards a fair young lady and asked,
"Miss, are these photos good enough?"
the stalker used a polaroid camera, the lady answered,
"This one is good. Keep following them and take some more scandal-ish photos."
"I'll have the same with him.." said Min Sun to a waitress at the restaurant.
They finally found a small elegant restaurant in the middle of the zoo, the architecture was jungle-ish, green and bamboo everywhere, even the background music sounds like in a jungle.
"So, how's your college? have you accelerated it?" asked Seung Ri.
"Uhm, yep. Now i only work one day at Starbucks, only Tuesdays."
"You still can work? i thought you were gonna quit.."
Min Sun smiled, "I can't bear seeing Key's face if i quit so early.."
they both laughed, and again the stalker took photos of them.
not long after they had a chat, mealtime ! their lunch arrived and they ate happily, still chatting about Big Bang's tour.
"Jakarta is crowded?" asked Seung Ri.
"VERY. That's why i couldn't take it and i moved here. Well, not technically move but.. just took college here." said Min Sun.
"Oooh, when we get to Jakarta, can i meet your parents?"
Min Sun choked on her food, Seung Ri hurriedly get a drink for her,
"Aigoo~ Min Sun.."
Min Sun took a sip of her drink, and then she put it back. A few drops of water ran down her cheek, Seung Ri took his napkin and stretched his hands towards Min Sun's face,
"Min Sun, sorry. May I.."
Min Sun moved her head forward, trying to hear what Seung Ri is going to say, but then Seung Ri wiped her cheek.
the stalker took another photo of them.
Min Sun made a surprised face, she suddenly went shy and continued to wipe her cheek.
"Ahaha, you drink to vigorously just then.." said Seung Ri.
Min Sun just smiled, "Yes, i know. Hehe, thank you Seung Ri."
after lunch, they both continued traveling around the zoo. at the end, they even bought some souvenirs, Seung Ri gave Min Sun a cute little panda doll.
"Remember me when you play with this panda!" he said,
"Of course~, his black spot around his eyes kinda look like yours."
Seung Ri made a sad little boy face, but then the both of them laughed.
and yes, the stalker was still taking pictures.
3 months later..
Min Sun was busy serving the customers at Starbucks, it was her last day there. She decided to quit working one month before her departure to Jakarta.
when she was looking around to find customers who need help, Key came up to her and asked,
"So.. your last day, huh?"
Min Sun looked at Key and smiled, "Yep. My last day."
Key's eyes suddenly went wet and his face turned solemn,
"Whoa whoa whoa, Key, uhm may i call you Key on my last day? Haha~ how come you're like going to cry?" asked Min Sun.
Key wiped his eyes even though tears weren't running down his face,
"It's just that.. i will miss you so much Min Sun. There won't be another waitress like you.. uhu.."
instead of being touched, Min Sun burst out laughing,
"Hahahahaha, omo omo mianhae Key. You're just so cute being sad. Hehe, ok listen. This is my last day, my shift will finish in an hour, and then let's have a coffe break outdoors ! You pay for the drink, ok?"
Key nod his head. Then he kept quiet and went thinking for a while, then he said,
"WHAAAAAT~? me paying your drink? hey~ you little..", Key pushed Min Sun's head softly, " your last day you still ask for treats!"
Min Sun just laughed hardly and walked away to get the order at table number 13.
"Damn i'm gonna miss her," said Key, "and Jong Hyun hasn't even told his feelings to her yet.."
Min Sun walked to table 13,
"May i help you, Sir?"
the guy at table 13 was looking outside, when Min Sun called him, he startled and looked at her, he took of his sunglasses,
Min Sun was shocked, she covered her mouth with her hand,
"omo, Jong Hyun.."
"What the .. what are you doing? waitress? that.. uniform?"
Min Sun tried to calm him down,
"Ssssht~ shut up and I'll tell you later! Now give me your orders."
Key was talking at one of the outdoor tables when Min Sun walked towards them, already in her casual clothes.
"Shall i explain or.. Key already told you?" asked Min Sun.
Jong Hyun made this sharp look to Min Sun.
"Why didn't you tell me? Oh, so this is the reason you wanna come with me every Tuesdays and Thursdays.."
Min Sun sighed and sat beside Jong Hyun,
"Jong Hyun, i didn't tell you coz i knew you won't let me work here.."
Jong Hyun continued to ask, "Why do you wanna work?"
"Coz.." Min Sun stopped and looked at Key, Key's eyes were telling her to say truth,
"I envy you. honestly.."
Jong Hyun raised his eyebrow, "envy?"
"i just wanna earn my own money too, bro. Key already told you so, no more asking, ok?"
Jong Hyun remained silent.
Key felt awkward and he tried to cheer up the atmosphere,
"Hey hey that's enough. Jong Hyun, this is Min Sun's last day here, i don't want you to ruin her last day. uhu~.."
Key went melancholic again, and it made Jong Hyun and Min Sun burst out laughing. at the end, Key really treated the three of them to drink. and Min Sun reminded Key not to tell Jong Hyun about her one-month-more departure to Jakarta.
when they finished their coffee break, Key went back to Starbucks to continue his work, Min Sun said farewell to Key just in case that she won't have time to visit Starbucks again. then, Min Sun hopped on Jong Hyun's bike.
"Here.." Jong Hyun lend a helmet to Min Sun,
"Jjongie.." called Min Sun,
"mwo? .. MWO?? JJONGIE?" Jong Hyun's face instantly turned excited,
"aaargh shut up i haven't finished talking!"
"Oh, ne.. mian."
"Would you help me with my essays when we get home?" asked Min Sun,
"Essay? you were assigned to write an essay in hangul, right?"
"Yeah.." Min Sun made a puppy face.
Jong Hyun smiled, "Ok ok i'll help you, amu gotdo aniya.. But why did you suddenly called me 'Jjongie'?"
"To match Minnie." Min Sun said instantly and straightforward. "Now come on ride us home.."
Jong Hyun smiled while turning the engine on, then he drove them both back home.
"Auntie, Uncle, Lee Jae, we're home~ !"
Min Sun scattered to the dining room and she found all the family members already gathering for dinner.
"Ah, Min Sun. Come, join us dinner! Where's Jong Hyun?" asked Mrs. Kim,
"In his room, changing." answered Min Sun while she sat beside Mrs. Kim.
a few minutes later Jong Hyun came to the dining room, then the Kims all had dinner. after dinner, Min Sun went straight to her room, she excused not to do the dishes because she had some essays to do.
She left her door wide open, then she sat at her desk and snuck in to her laptop.
"Knock knock.."
Min Sun looked at the door, it was Jong Hyun.
"Jjongie ^^, come come~" she told Jong Hyun to come in, but leave the door open.
"Hehe, it feels good hearing you calling me Jjongie. Ahahaha~~"
Min Sun laughed,
"Hey ! concentrate, you wanna help me or not?"
"ok ok, but.. what's with all these essays?" asked Jong Hyun,
"i accelerated my college." said Min Sun, it took 3 seconds for her to realize that she spoiled her acceleration program. "oops~" she whispered..
"accelerate? we?" asked Jong Hyun,
"because.." she tried to figure out an answer, "i just want to ^^"
Jong Hyun looked at Min Sun, his eyes were full of doubt.
"I'll explain later.." she said, "come on, help me!"
45 minutes later~
"aaaah~ this is confusing.. hangul is complicateeed T_T" sighed Min Sun,
"Hahaha i already teach you and you're still confused? Babo, hahaha", Jong Hyun pushed Min Sun's head.
Min Sun continued to write a few more sentences, then she dropped her pen to her desk and said, "YEAH~ finally i'm done. Thank youu Jjongie !"
Jong Hyun smiled happily, "You're welcome, Minnie !"
Min Sun tidied up her things on the desk, she kept sitting on her chair while Jong Hyun sat on her bed.
"Jjongie.." called Min Sun,
"Hm?" answered Jong Hyun..
"You know why i accelerated college?"
Jong Hyun who was laying down then woke up and kept sitting on the bed,
"No, why?"
Min Sun took a deep breath. It's time for Jong Hyun to know, she thought.
"Because.. I'll be leaving to Jakarta, one month from now."
Jong Hyun looked deep into Min Sun's eyes, "You're kidding, right?"
Min Sun shook her head, her face turned sad.
"For what?" asked Jong Hyun,
"Uhm, Mr. Yang Goon from YG entertainment asked me if i could accompany Big Bang for their tour to Indonesia, since they will be performing in my hometown."
Jong Hyun made a thinking face.
Big Bang? Tour? Indonesia? wait.. with Seung Ri too? oh damn~ I.. no.. i should remember what Ye Seul said, try not to be jealous in front of her..
"Jjongiee~?" Min Sun waved in front of his eyes.
"Ah, yes. Sorry i was just.. thinking." he said.
Min Sun made a puppy face, "are you mad at me?"
Jong Hyun laughed looking at Min Sun's expressions, how can he be jealous if she acts like this.
"No, i'm not angry. Hahaha" he pat Min Sun's head, then he continued to ask, "You'll be back here, right?"
Min Sun turned sad again, "That's the point. If i can finish my college fast, i won't be back. But if i can't graduate next month, then i have to be back."
"Well then don't graduate then next month. Hehe" said Jong Hyun in a teasing tone.
"How can i control my graduation? Well.. what will happen if i don't come back?"
Jong Hyun went silent.
"My family are sure waiting for me there. And i don't know, if i could come back.."
"I'll miss you." said Jong Hyun, cutting Min Sun's sentence.
"What?" asked Min Sun, she didn't hear it clearly coz she was still talking,
"Uh.. We'll miss you," answered Jong Hyun, correcting his speech.
Min Sun acted like a sad puppy again.
"Aaaw~ that one sentence made me don't wanna go home to Jakarta."
Jong Hyun smiled,
"Here, let me hug you" said Min Sun.
Jong Hyun was shocked, he mouthed the word 'what?' as Min Sun stood up and walked towards him. Jong Hyun didn't move and didn't know what to do. Min Sun got closer and closer but then suddenly she hopped on to her bed and cuddled her panda that she got from Seung Ri.
Jong Hyun was confused, should he be relieved or be angry coz Min Sun actually wanted to hug her teddy panda. He looked at Min Sun.
"What?" asked Min Sun, "Wanna hug him too?" she lend her panda to Jong Hyun.
Jong Hyun laughed and grabbed the little panda.
"You lucky one.." he said in his heart.
So then, Jong Hyun tried his best not to show Min Sun his 'not willing' face. It was actually hard for him to let her go, especially when he knew that Big Bang will come along too. He even once asked Min Sun,
"Can i come along with you to Jakarta?"
"Ah~ no no no, what will happen to your modeling career? you should stay. Ye Seul will be sad if she lost a model like you. You must stay!"
in the end, Jong Hyun obeyed Min Sun once again and decided to stay as she told him. He kinda feels like a dog. Obeying his owner to keep still and stay. Well, he appreciated Min Sun and the one-month-until-Min Sun-goes-to-Jakarta went well. Jong Hyun took Min Sun around to hunt photos, they even went to Gyeongbok Palace (again for Min Sun) and took photos of the scenery there.
Min Sun gave her last assignment -the essay- to her lecturer, and it was a big success. The lecturer gave her a special test to accelerate and graduate more earlier than others. Unfortunately, Min Sun didn't past the test, so she had to return to Seoul once she is done in Jakarta. But she kept it as a secret.
And 3 days before her departure to Jakarta, she went to Starbucks. Key held up a farewell party for Min Sun. There were Jong Hyun, Minho, Taemin, Onew, Ha Neul and Ye Seul there. They had a great time and Ha Neul wasn't willing for Min Sun to go back, since they just met again for a long time. So did Ye Seul. The party went fun and also sad at the same time.
the days went by so quickly, until it was time for Min Sun to leave. The Kims, Ye Seul, Ha Neul, Taemin, Minho, Key, Onew and Jong Hyun all gathered at the airport to say farewell to Min Sun. While Hye Gyo and Big Bang, also other YG crews, were already inside the waiting room.
"Noona, take care~ !" said Taemin.
"I will, BUT I'M NOT YOUR NOONA!" said Min Sun,
Taemin just smiled sweetly and laughed, he kept calling Min Sun his noona coz he thinks her looks are perfect for a noona.
"Ya! take care Min Sun. and don't work at other Starbucks except my cafe !" shouted Key.
"Hahaha of course, Mr. Kim Kibum ^^" smiled Min Sun.
"Min Sun are you sure you still wanna leave? we will miss you.." said Ha Neul.
"Yeah, you'll miss us too there, believe me." said Ye Seul in over confidence.
"Hahaha, i sure will miss you girls, i'll contact you. Just keep checking your facebook, okay?" Min Sun walked towards the two girls and gave them a hug.
Mrs. Kim walked up to Min Sun,
"Min Sun darling, take care. Don't forget to visit us again, and say hello to your family, we - the Kims - loved to have you at home."
She hugged Min Sun warmly as if Min Sun was her own daughter.
"Thank you auntie.. I'll pass your message to my fam." said Min Sun.
She shake hands with Mr. Kim, and hugged Lee Jae as well.
"I'll miss you, unnie." said Lee Jae, Min Sun just smiled and hugged her again.
When Min Sun came up to Jong Hyun, he walked towards her and stretched his arms to his side,
"Can i get a hug too?" he asked with a cute face.
the airport suddenly went wild with Ye Seul, Ha Neul, and the other 4 guys shouting.
"Cieeeeeee!" shouted Ye Seul and Ha Neul,
"Aaah hyung is more brave now!" shouted Taemin.
"When can i get a girlfriend too?" asked Onew.
then everybody went silent. All eyes were on Onew. He looked around and said..
then everybody started laughing again, knowing that he had done his Onew condition again.
Min Sun looked back at Jong Hyun, and punched his chest softly.
"No hugs for you." said Min Sun, and she winked at him. Jong Hyun just smiled.
"Ok, moduda~.. I'm leaving, take care all, bye bye!"
Min Sun started to walk and waved back at the crowd. They all waved back and started to leave one by one. First, Taemin walked away with Ha Neul, then Ye Seul with Minho and Onew, Key with the Kims.. except Jong Hyun. He still stood there watching Min Sun walking further and further, then he whispered..

"Gaji mara, hyeya.."
Surprisingly, Min Sun stopped and turned her back, Jong Hyun suddenly went nervous.
"Jjongie?" asked Min Sun,
"Did you just say something?"
Jong Hyun was amazed and confused at the same time, did Min Sun hear him whisper?
"No, haha i just whispered.. uhmm.. take care! Yea, take care. Bye, Minnie!"
Jong Hyun smiled and waved while he turned around to catch up with his friends.
Min Sun smiled and then continued to walk to the waiting room, where the YG family are waiting for her.
I am sure he whispered something.. But it's not 'take care'.. what is it?
To be continued...
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