Min Sun was shocked and she turned around and found Jong Hyun standing in front of her, making a curious face,
"Oh.. you're done? well, I.. uh.." Min Sun was really confused what should she say,
"It's a secret, bro! we're planning something big, well, actually for you but it's a secret so, yeah.."
Key tried to help Min Sun,
Min Sun then looked at Key, Key looked back making a nervous expression,
Key and Min Sun are both kinda scared about Jong Hyun's reaction, would he find out that about Min Sun's job?
"Oh really? wow actually i'm curious, but.. if you say it's a secret.. it's okay, haha. Come on let's go home, Key you're driving us home, right?" asked Jong Hyun
"Oh, uh.. yeah of course" said Key.
Min Sun took a deep breath and then exhaled it,
Jong Hyun was already walking in front of them,
Min Sun looked at Key, and mimic-ed the word "thank you" to him
then Key rised his hands and made an "okay" sign.
the three of them hopped on Key's car, and all went home.
"Okay boys, are you ready? This photoshoot is gonna be fun!"
Ye Seul called the five boys from their dressing room,
Jong Hyun and Minho felt like doing a photoshoot as usual,
but Key, Taemin and Jinki felt like having the most nervous day of their life,
TM : aah! Hyung, I'm nervous, otoghe~?
Key : you're not the only one being nervous, I'm having goosebumps here,
Jinki : shouldn't goosebumps appear when you are scared?
they all stopped talking and looked at Jinki. Jinki just smiled so clumsy,
whatever he does, it is Jinki condition (^^)
the five guys stood up from the make up counters, then they all head for the photoshoot room,
the theme of the photoshoot is just like what Ye Seul said, friendship.
to add a sweet look, Ye Seul added a few pets to go and take pictures with them,
the results were so good, all the guys had their own charisma,
Minho, his charisma is flaming always,
Jong Hyun, he had this sorta thing that makes you wanna look at his photos everytime
Jinki, he had the most gorgeous smile,
Taemin, cute smile to, and his eyes are talking,
Key, hmmm.. no wonder he loves the camera, he looks loveable in the photo !

"Great job guys, bravo. Nice to work with you all ^^" Ye Seul shook hands with all five guys,
Minho and Jong Hyun continued to do another photoshoot while Key asked to go back to Starbucks,
Jinki and Taemin decided to stay and watch the photoshoot.
meanwhile, Min Sun was busy serving guests at Starbucks, she was at the outdoor seats when Key arrived,
"Yo Min Sun !" said Key,
"Ah.. Mr. Kim ^^, psst.. how's the photoshoot?" asked Min Sun
"three words, F U N ! FUN ! haha~"
"Uh, that's actually three LETTERS.." said Min Sun
"Oh? oh yea i mean that, hahaha~ it's fun, i'll show you the photos later, ok? now get back to work !" Key suddenly scold Min Sun,
Min Sun then bowed and smiled, then she went back to the kitchen,
Key took a quick look around his cafe, everything's fine, so he went up to his room.
Starbucks got more crowded, it's already afternoon and business men came to chill out and have a coffee break,
Min Sun was serving on of the guests, when she saw someone smoking at the other table, indoor.
then she asked to her friend, another waitress..
"Unnie, isn't smoking not allowed indoors?"
the girl said, "Yes, if the guests want to smoke, they have to sit outdoors, why?"
Min Sun pointed to the guy who was smoking indoors,
"Gosh, ok, why don't you tell him to sit outside, I still have to serve this, I'll call Mr. Kim right away" said the waitress.
"Okay, unnie.." Min Sun put her tray down on the table and walked to the smoking guy,
"Sir, mianhae~ you are not supposed to smoke inside, we have outdoor seats for smoking, indoors are for non smoking. Mian, but you have to sit outdoors if you want to smoke."
the guy grabbed his smoke from his mouth, he took his sunglasses off, then said,
"what happened to the rule "Customer is a King" ? " he asked, sarcasticly.
"Mian, Sir. We have our own rules here. I hope you can obey it, Sir. it's for other customer's sake.." said Min Sun.
"So you're telling me to leave?!" the guy suddenly get mad himself,
"No, Sir. We just hope you can sit outside if you want to continue to smoke~" Min Sun tried to defense,
The guy hit his hands to the table really forcefully, until the whole table shake and all guests looked to him,
Min Sun became afraid, the other waitress who talked to her just then went upstairs quickly to find Key,
the guy was mad but he ignored Min Sun, he kept smoking and said,
"I'm a VIP customer here, you know! i can do what i want here, you're just a new waitress, you don't have the authority to rule me!"
the guy kept smoking, he exhaled the smoke in front of Min Sun purposely, Min Sun tried to cover her mouth, she started to cough heavily, but she tried her best to hide it,
"Sir.. ehm.. mianhae, but you have to~" Min Sun still tried to warn the guy,
the guy then stood up and made a bang on the table, Min Sun was shocked and she bent her head down,
the guy kept blowing smoke to Min Sun's face, she almost couldn't stand it anymore,
then suddenly Key came running down the stairs with the waitress unnie following him behind,
"Mr. Lee !" shouted Key.
the smoking guy turned his head to see who was calling,
"Oh you, hey Key! i bet this is your new waitress? she doesn't know who I am! she was trying to make me leave out of here!" said the guy.
Key looked at Min Sun, Min Sun made a worried face then she shook her head, trying to say that it's wrong, the guy lied.
Key saw that Min Sun's lips were pale, her cheeks were kinda red,
then Key said,
"Mianhae Mr. Lee. She is new, but, yes you I'm afraid you have to leave, you are not allowed to smoke inside."
the guy rolled his eyes, he put his smoke down, put on his sunglasses back on, then pushed the chair behind him and leave,
Key shook his head, then he apologized to all the guests who were watching all the time, Min Sun bowed to the guests too, but she couldn't stop coughing.
when Key was done apologizing, he turned back to Min Sun and asked,
"Min Sun are you o.. oh my God, Min Sun !"
Key was about to ask if Min Sun was okay or not, but he hang up his speech because Min Sun fell down before he could even finish what he was saying,
luckily, Key held Min Sun so she didn't hit the floor,
Min Sun became more pale, she was coughing so hard,
"Min Sun ! Min Sun ! hey stay with me, are you okay? can you hear me? Min Sun !"
Key panicked, he shaked Min Sun who was in his arms,
"Min Sun, can you hear me?!"
Min Sun eyes that was closed, opened and she saw blurry Key's face in front of her,
"Min Sun?" asked Key,
Min Sun closed her eyes again, then she went unconscious,
Key was shocked, "omo, hey you! call the ambulance !" he pointed to one of his waiters,
the employees suddenly became fuzzy, they all panicked,
when one of the waiters told Key that the ambulance was near, Key lifted Min Sun up and carried her outside to the ambulance,
Min Sun was barely breathing, Key tried to walk fast but carefully held Min Sun in his arms,
Key asked one of his waiters to look after Starbucks while he was away,
when Key was near to the ambulance,
there was Big Bang's van parking behind the ambulance,
GD, Tabi, Seung Ri, Tae Yang and Daesung hop off the van,
Seung Ri saw Key carrying Min Sun, then he ran to Key,
"What happened?" asked Seung Ri in panic,
"I don't know!" answered Key, he was so nervous,
Seung Ri gave a code to the other Big Bang members to go and start the photoshoot in the agency without him,
then Tabi gave a code to Seung Ri, he made an "ok" sign and "call me" sign with his hands,
then Seung Ri helped Key to get Min Sun inside the ambulance,
then the two guys both hop on and went on the way to the hospital with Min Sun, inside the ambulance.
"That's how it happened. I didn't know she had asthma, she never told me before.."
Key explained and told the whole story about the smoking guy and Min Sun trying to deal with him, Key felt kinda guilty,
"Well.." said Seung Ri, tapping Key's shoulders, "it's not your fault, that guy is just the annoying one. You've done a great job by taking care of Min Sun while you can."
Key smiled and thanked Seung Ri,
"By the way we haven't introduced each other, I'm Key, Starbucks' manager ^^"
Seung Ri then introduced himself and shake hands with Key, even though he knows that Key of course already knows him.
suddenly, the doctor who took care of Min Sun came out,
"Doctor how is she?" both Key and Seung Ri asked the doctor at the same time, then they both looked at each other, and made a small laugh and bent their heads down,
"Wow, you two are like, her boyfriends or what?" the pretty doctor asked and smiled,
Key just raised his eyebrows, Seung Ri asked again,
"Miss doctor, you haven't answered our question.."
"Will you give me your autograph if i answer it?" asked the pretty doctor,
now it's Seung Ri who raised his eyebrows, Key just said "aigooo~"
"aah, I'm just kidding boys. the girl is fine, she just had her asthma came up, luckily it wasn't that bad, she just need more oxygen. Oh please make sure she doesn't get close to someone who smokes again." said the pretty doctor,
Key bowed to the doctor and said thank you, the pretty doctor then smiled and walked away,
"are we allowed to visit Min Sun now?" asked Seung Ri..
"uh, i dunnow, let's take a quick peek in her room," said Key.
the two guys both sneaked up to Min Sun's door, they opened it quietly, and found Min Sun wearing an oxygen mask, breathing normally, but it seems she was sleeping,
"Thank God she is okay.." said Seung Ri
Key nod his head and closed the door again.
the two guys decided to wait for Min Sun until she is okay, they both waited and sit on the chair in front of Min Sun's room,
Key called Starbucks and told them that he will be back late, he also told the employees not to worry about Min Sun's condition, she is fine at the moment,
Seung Ri called Tabi, who was doing a photoshoot, and said almost the same thing like Key, he will be bcak late and he told the other Big Bang members not to wait for him,
after that, Seung Ri and Key had a quick chat together..
meanwhile, Jong Hyun was done with his photoshoot, he remembered that today Min Sun came to the agency with him and wanted to have a coffee time at Starbucks again, (at least that was what Min Sun told him, she still keeps her job as a secret to Jong Hyun)
Jong Hyun then dialled Min Sun's number, and waited for her to pick up his call,
Key who was having a chat with Seung Ri, suddenly stopped and felt something vibrating in his pocket, when he took it out, he just realized that Min Sun's handphone is still with him, he held Min Sun's property's while she was being examined,
"Oh uh.." said Key, he stared to the name calling Min Sun's handphone,
"Why? who is it?.." Seung Ri asked, then he took a look at th ehandphone's LCD, "oh, Jong Hyun.. you should pick it up.."
"What should i say?" asked Key, nervous.
Seung Ri thought for a while, how come someone so clumsy like Key can be a manager?
"the truth.." Seung Ri answered, then he pressed the answer button on the handphone and put it near Key's ears,
Key was about to say something but it was too late,
JH : annyeong, Minnie you're still at Starbucks? hang on I'll pick you up..
Key : uuuh, annyeong, Jong Hyun?
JH : huh? hey who is this.. Key? why Min Sun's handphone with you? where is she?
Key : uhh I, uh.. *looked at Seung Ri*
Seung Ri told him to speak up and tell the truth,
JH : Key? u still there?
Key : uh yes, uhm.. Jong Hyun, I'm in the hospital.
JH : what? hospital? what happened?
Key : it's uh.. it's not me who is injured, uh.. Min Sun..
JH : what happened to her?! *suddenly Jong Hyun's voice became loud, Key held the handphone a bit far from his ears*
Key : well, uh.. she.. her.. asthma..
JH : argh ! shut up~ stay there ! I'm heading there right now, make sure you stay where you are, I'm gonna talk to you !
Jong Hyun then hung up the phone,
Key stared at Min Sun's handphone, Seung Ri just tapped his shoulders, giving a sign "everything's gonna be alright".
since the hospital wasn't too far from the agency, they just took 10 minutes waiting for Jong Hyun, Jong Hyun rode his bike so fast to the hospital,
when he saw Key and Seung Ri sitting and talking,
he walked to both of them fastly, he was about to release his anger, he can't believe what is happening to Min Sun, and what the hell is Seung Ri doing there?
Key and Seung Ri realized Jong Hyun's presence, then they both stood up from their seats,
just when Key was about to greet Jong Hyun, Jong Hyun suddenly grabbed Key's collars and held them tight,
Seung Ri gasped and tried to get Key off from Jong Hyun, looks like Jong Hyun's anger couldn't be hidden more,
then Jong Hyun said,
"What happened, Key? tell me! and what the hell is this guy doing here?!"
Jong Hyun took a deep look at Key, then he looked at Seung Ri sarcasticly,
To be continued...
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