Seung Ri looked up at Min Sun and smiled,
Min Sun was amazed and covered her mouth with her tray,
"OMO~ Hye Gyo !"
Min Sun out her tray on the table, Hye Gyo smiled and stood up from her seat,
Min Sun came towards her and hugged her,
"Mianhae~ i haven't contact you these days," said Min Sun, in a sorry voice.
Hye Gyo let go of her hug, she smiled and pat Min Sun's head,
"Gwenchanayo.. lucky that Seung Ri always sticks around you, so i can ask him about you."
Hye Gyo looked at Seung Ri and winked, Seung Ri just smiled while sipping his drink.
"How did you end up working here?" asked Hye Gyo.
"Seung Ri didn't tell you?" Min Sun asked back.
Min Sun looked at Seung Ri,
"She wants to hear your version.." he said.
Min Sun looked back to Hye Gyo,
"Wait for me for another.. 45 minutes ! I'll be done and there's a whole new full story that i want to tell you~"
Hye Gyo raised her thumbs up, and sit back,
Min Sun then asked for Hye Gyo's order, then she rushed back in and continued serving guests again.
45 minutes later,
Min Sun was busy packing in her uniforms when Key walked down the stairs,
"Min Sun~ !" he called,
"Ne? ah~ Mister.." Min Sun bowed to Key,
Key smiled and said, "Your shift is over, you don't have to bow like that."
Min Sun just smiled back and continued packing,
"anything?" she asked.
"Remember that Jong Hyun told you to come to his photoshoot today?"
Min Sun stopped moving. She kept still for a few seconds then she slapped her forehead.
"Aissh~ ! I forgot.."
Key mouthed the word "babo" but Min Sun didn't hear it,
"So aren't you going there now? If you are you can come with me.." said Key.
Min Sun looked to the outdoors seat, Seung Ri and Hye Gyo are still outside.. but, who is the man beside Hye Gyo?
Min Sun made a frown.. then she said,
"I'd love to go there with you, Key. But.. i just met my friend and she is still waiting for me outside. Would you please go and tell Jong Hyun that I'll catch up in another 30 minutes?"
Key joined Min Sun looking to the outdoors,
"Ah.. Seung Ri again" he said in his mind.
"Okay, I'll tell Jong Hyun. But 30 minutes, ok? Not more.." said Key.
"Yessir~" answered Min Sun.
Key walked outside, Min Sun grabbed her bag and head to Seung Ri's seat.
Seung Ri noticed Min Sun's presence, Min Sun saw him talking to the ahjusshi next to Hye Gyo, then the three people at the table, all stood up.
Min Sun arrived at their seats, Min Sun smiled to the ahjusshi.
"Min Sun," Seung Ri spoke, "let me introduce you, Hye Gyo's uncle a.k.a Mr. YG"
Min Sun stared at the ahjusshi, who turned out to be YG's owner.. Mr. YG ^^
she was confused what to do, she just gave her best smile and bowed to him,
Mr. YG smiled back and asked everyone to sit.
Min Sun sat on Seung Ri's right, Mr. YG on Seung Ri's left, Hye Gyo on her uncle's left, then she had Min Sun on her left. They all sat forming a little circle.
Seung Ri asked Mr. YG to explain everything.
So, Min Sun had a tough time controlling her concentrations, whether she should be nervous, be cool and relax but she had to keep being polite. She was confused. then she tried hard to understand what Mr. YG was saying.
" I hope you can help us during Big Bang's tour to Indonesia." said Mr. YG, ending his explanations.
Min Sun stayed still and can't believe that this number one man in YG Entertainment is giving her faith to help arrange Big Bang's tour to her hometown, Jakarta, Indonesia.
"Min Sun are you okay?" asked Hye Gyo.
"Ah~ no i was just.. thinking.. hehe" Min Sun scratched her head unreasonably.
"So you can come with us to our tour?" asked Seung Ri hopefully.
"Hmm, depends, when is the tour going to be held?" she asked back.
"About 4 months from now" said Mr. YG.
Min Sun had her fingers busy counting, then she said,
"Yeah, if i can finish my college fast, i can come with you all ^^" said Min Sun.
"Yes!" Seung Ri yelled a cute yes softly, Min Sun just chuckled looking at him.

"Wow that's great Min Sun ! Hope you can finish your college successfully," said Hye Gyo.
Min Sun smiled and thanked her.
"Oh well what time is it.. wow, we've been here for 25 minutes already. I guess i have to go now, I bet my assistants are looking for me. They just couldn't take it being left by their boss without any supervisors. Come on, Hye Gyo. Let's roll" said Mr . YG.
Roll? Whoa this ahjusshi has style~ ^^
Min Sun stood up and said goodbye to Hye Gyo, she hugged her again knowing that she won't be meeting her soon again,
then Min Sun bowed to Mr. YG and shake hands with him, they both thanked eachother.
Min Sun asked for permission to go to the agency before her three guests even had a chance to leave. She was worried that Key and Jong Hyun was still waiting for her.
She waved byebye to Seung Ri, and she rushed inside the agency.
Seung Ri just gave a smile and watched her walk away.
Min Sun hurried and took the lift to go to Jong Hyun's photoshoot room,
when she was walking in the corridor, she saw Key opening the door to the studio..
"Key~ !!" shouted Min Sun.
Key looked towards the coming voice, "Wow, i thought you were gonna be late"
Min Sun ignored Key's speech,
"Is Ye Seul around?" she asked.
"I don't think so, Jong Hyun said the photographer which is with him now is different, i think it's Min Hyo Rin's personal photographer.."
Min Sun looked at Key, "Min Hyo Rin?"
Key nod and pointed to the photo session,
they both walked inside the room and found lots of people walking here and there, nobody noticed about their presence,
Min Sun searched around the room to find Ye Seul. Key was right, Ye Seul wasn't there.
they both kept walking until they came near to Jong Hyun's photo location.
Key stopped walking when he realized that Min Sun wasn't following him,
she stopped behind Key, looking straight to the photo session,
"Min Sun?" Key called her, while looking to what Min Sun is probably looking,
then Key instantly understood why Min Sun stopped her steps.

Jong Hyun even heard her and quickly pulled his hands off Hyo Rin.
Min Sun realized that all eyes were on her, she covered her mouth and bowed embarassedly while saying sorry.
"You don't have to bow like that." said Key.
"Okay you said that two times today~" said Min Sun.
After that, all the crews continued working and walking, nobody answered Min Sun.
Sh*t~ ! Why was my voice so loud. Damn, now they're all thinking that I'm a...
"Minnie~ !"
Min Sun's thoughts were cut off when Jong Hyun raised from his chair and walked to her.
Min Sun gave her best 'smile'.
"Mianhae~ i came late for the photoshoot..." she said,
"Oh it's okay, i just.."
"And I'm going home now." Min Sun snapped Jong Hyun's speech.
Jong Hyun kept silent for a while.
"What?" he asked.
Min Sun forced a smile, and said "Seems like your photoshoot is gonna last a few more hours. I think i should go home, I'm sure auntie is waiting."
While she said that, her eyes wer travelling around the photo location, then she met Hyo Rin's eyes. Hyo Rin gave her a smile, and Min Sun replied it while waving her hand.
"Oh look the crew is waiting, go you should continue it.. Jal Ga~ !"
Min Sun turned Jong Hyun's body around and pushed him away, Jong Hyun looked at her and she just waved and walked away.
"Minnie~!" he called Min Sun, but she didn't answer and kept walking.
"EHEM~.." coughed Key purposely.
Jong Hyun surprisingly looked at Key.
"Key? Since when you were here?"
Key rolled his eyes, "I even arrived before Min Sun got here!"
Jong Hyun scratched his head, then he asked
"What happened to her?"
Key exhaled his breath, "You don't know?"
Jong Hyun shook his head. Key went like "aigoo~"
"Don't you like her Jong Hyuuuuuuuuuuuun~?" Key's hands were itchy to hit Jong Hyun's head.
"What? why? why did she.. OUCH~ !"
Key finally hit Jong Hyun's head.
"What was that for?" asked Jong Hyun.
"She saw your photoshoot with Hyo Rin! That touchy touchy one~!" shouted Key, nagging to Jong Hyun.
Jong Hyun kept quiet for a while thinking.
then he shouted "WHAT?"
Key rolled his eyes again,
Jong Hyun suddenly went in a panic condition, "Aish~ aigoo~ aaakh otoghe? should i chase her or.. my photoshoot is.. aaaakh~"
"Shut up~ !" Key slapped Jong Hyun's face.
"Ouch~ !"
"You're acting like a baby. It's bugs the crap all over me." said Key.
Jong Hyun's face went sad. then he said,
"Oh i know~ ! You go chase her and please take her home, okay?" commanded Jong Hyun,
"What? Me?" Key pointed at himself,
Jong Hyun just pushed Key outside, "If there's anything just call me okaaay~!" he said.
Key then made a blow face and walked outside quickly to catch Min Sun.
meanwhile, Min Sun was walking in full speed to go outside the agency.
why am i pissed off? why did i cam to the agency? why did he.. Hyo Rin.. AARGH~ why am i asking these questions?!
she walked down the steps in front of the agency's main door,
it was getting darker and cold, Min Sun put both her hands inside her long white coat,
her white high boots didn't gave enough heat for her.
she tried to walk more quickly when she bumped in to person,
"Aissh.. ah mianhae~" she bowed even she didn't know who was in front of her.
"Why going home so fast?" he asked.
Min Sun lift her head up, "Seung Ri.."
"It's cold right? Come on.."
Seung Ri held Min Sun's arm softly and dragged her to his car, he opened the door for her, and Min Sun automaticly went in, her thoughts were all blank and she just obeyed Seung Ri.
meanwhile, Key came out running and looked around to find Min Sun.
while his eyes were searching, he saw Seung Ri's car passing by slowly, and he could see Min Sun in it.
"Huff~.. she's big enough to know what to do. Hope Seung Ri can cheer her up."
Key turned back and was planning to go back up and tell Jong Hyun. He kept silent for a while and think twice. So, he just sms-ed Jong Hyun saying that he is going home.
"How come you came out so fast from the agency? Weren't you supposed to watch Jong Hyun's photoshoot?" asked Seung Ri.
Min Sun looked straight to the road, "Yeah. I just felt like going home."
Seung Ri knew that there was something wrong with Min Sun,
"Ah~ mianhae, so you want to go home know? i could turn bcak if you want.."
"No no. Just take me anywhere except home.." she said.
"Didn't you said that you wanted to go home?" Seung Ri was confused,
Min Sun just glared outside the window, looking at nothing. Her eyes were empty.
Seung Ri decided not to ask again. He took Min Sun to his favorite restaurant again.
as they arrived, Seung Ri took off his seatbelt and said to Min Sun,
"Min Sun, we're here."
Min Sun didn't answer Seung Ri, he looked at her and found her sleeping, she lent her head to the window.
Seung Ri felt worried what was going on, he actually couldn't bear to wake Min Sun up, but he had to know what's happening.
"Min Sun.." Seung Ri touched her shoulders.
Min Sun still didn't answer. Seung Ri shaked her shoulders softly,
"Min Sun, we're at my favorite resto, come on let's eat and talk."
She still didn't wake up.
Seung Ri exhaled while thinking that Min Sun is actually a tough sleeper.
then Seung Ri called her again, except this time, he called her "Minnie~"
Finally Min Sun opened her eyes, she blinked for a while and rub her eyes,
Seung Ri was kinda disappointed, she woke up only after he called her 'Minnie'. But then Seung Ri thought that maybe it was just a coincidence.
Seung Ri then smiled at her and get outside of his car, he then walked to Min Sun's side and opened the door for her.
Min Sun was still too dizzy to walk, when she stood up, she was all woozy and was about to fall. Seung Ri then held both her shoulders. "You okay?" he asked.
Min Sun just nod and walked before Seung Ri, she held her bag on her right hand and strecthed out both of her hands and yawned while walking.
Seung Ri locked his car and walked quickly to catch up.
Jong Hyun just finished his photoshoot and was waiting any sign of Key or Min Sun, then he checked his handphone and saw Key's sms that was delivered 30 minutes ago,
"What? Key going home? Is Minnie with him?" Jong Hyun asked to himself.
then he dialled Key's phone number..
Key : yoboseyo?
JH : Key~ ! Is Minnie with you?
Key kept silent for a while, thinking if he should tell Jong Hyun or not.
Key : I.. don't know. When I ran outside, i didn't see her.
JH : really? oh okay.. I think I'll call her. Thanks Key.
Key : Yo~
Jong Hyun then quickly dialled Min Sun's phone.
The number you are calling is not active or..
"Aish~ ! How come her phone isn't active.."
Jong Hyun nagged himself and head for his white bike to go home.
"Mind telling me what's wrong?" asked Seung Ri, while cutting his steak in front of him.
Min Sun was chewing on the same menu as Seung Ri, she swallowed it, took a sip of water and answered,
"I saw Jong Hyun's photoshoot with Min Hyo Rin."
Seung Ri nearly choked on his food, knowing that Min Sun suddenly told the reason of her being cranky and looking tired.
"And?" asked Seung Ri.
"And.." Min Sun continued, "I saw him caressing her hair. So did Hyo Rin. I know it's part of the photoshoot but it kinda bugs me." her tone suddenly sounded angry,
Seung Ri stopped eating and continued asking,
"Is there.. any other reason of you being angry coz seeing him and Hyo Rin?"
Min Sun asked back, "What do you mean? Like what?"
Seung Ri coughed a bit. and said,
"Uhmm.. like, are you jealous?"
Min Sun dropped her fork, she apologized to everyone in the resto and asked for a new fork to the waiter.
"Min Sun, mianhae~ I didn't mean to.."
Min Sun cut Seung Ri's speech,
"Gwenchana." She took the new fork from the waiter and gave him her best smile, then she continued eating.
Seung Ri tried not to talk about Jong Hyun again, but then Min Sun said,
"Seung Ri.. No, I'm not jealous."
Seung Ri looked at Min Sun, Min Sun bent her head down, concentrating on her food. Her eyes were red and it seems like she's trying badly to hold her tears or maybe she was still sleepy coz Seung Ri woke her up. She was trying to cut her food, but she can't. She mouthed the word "sh*t", and she put her knife and fork down.
Seung Ri was sure that Min Sun didn't mean to say that she wasn't jealous. Her attitudes were absolutely showing an expression of a pissed off girl.
"Want me to cut it for you?" he asked.
Seung Ri then stretched his hands over to Min Sun's plate, and carefully cut her steak into small pieces, making it easy for her to chew.
"Gomawo~" said Min Sun, still trying to hide her eyes and giving a smile.
Seung Ri can't stand looking at Min Sun being sad. He took a piece of Min Sun's steak, and head it near her mouth.
"Come on enjoy the food, cheer up~! Say 'aaaa~' !"
Min Sun lift her head, her eyes were still wet and red, but then she made a sweet smile from her heart, and opened her mouth.
She chewed down her food while giving a smile that was almost about to evolve as a laugh.
"Seung Ri, gomapseumnida~" she swallowed her food and smiled to Seung Ri,
Seung Ri felt relieved seeing Min Sun was able to smile again,
then they both had a great time chatting about everything, besides photoshoots.
"Min Sun are you sleeping again?" asked Seung Ri,
Min Sun lift her head from leaning on the window,
"Huh~ ? No i was just adoring the view outside, hehe"
Seung Ri smiled, "You're almost home."
Seung Ri turned his car in a few more blocks, then they both arrived at the Kim's residence.
When the car stopped, both of them didn't move. Until Min Sun said something..
"I think Jong Hyun is gonna nag at me.. for being home so late."
Seung Ri looked at her,
"But you already contact Mrs. Kim, right? As long as you have her permission, there is no way he can nag at you."
Min Sun lift her head and looked at Seung Ri.
Seung Ri then get out and opened the door for Min Sun again, Min Sun came out holding her bag.
"How am I ever gonna thank you more?" she asked.
Seung Ri just smiled. He lift his hands and pat on Min Sun's head, then he bent down a bit so that his face were the same tall as Min Sun's,
It's weird, Min Sun didn't feel embarassed or anything. She didn't even blush,
then Seung Ri said,
"Don't show me your red eyes and sad expressions in front of me, ever again."
Min Sun smiled, "Only that?"
Seung Ri laughed and pat Min Sun's head again.
they both didn't know that someone was spying on them.. a few meters from Seung Ri's car.
To be continued...